A Letter to Mother Earth

I was healed from a silent conversation with Earth

Angela Moon
2 min readJan 23, 2023

I spent more time reflecting on my connection with nature in December 2022. On Medium, I had most recently published an article that linked my outdoor experience making fire with a journey to keep lighting my “inner fire”. I was surprised to know I could find deep parallels between myself and nature.

Then again, perhaps it isn’t surprising.

We are inherently connected to Earth. We breathe the air, walk on the land, drink the water. We share space with every Earth inhabitant. When I look up at the trees, I’m filled with a sense of awe and peace. When I hear a creek flowing and the sound of frogs nearby (“ribbit, ribbit”), I’m relaxed.

We are all part of a web of living connections.

At a lovely beach. I couldn’t resist writing a message in the sand! Photo by Angela Moon (me).

Venturing out to have a ‘conversation’ with Earth

In mid-December, I participated in an exercise called “Conversations with the Earth.” This exercise was inspired by Carina Lyall, who practices deep healing with nature and is based in Denmark. I knew I wanted to create a writing piece inspired by my experience in nature.

So I went to a quiet regional park, where I could experience both the trees and water. I chose a place that wouldn’t have a lot of people. And during that moment, I felt a silent, deep conversation taking place between me and the Earth. Drawing on that tender moment, I began to write. Those words turned themselves into a letter, directed to Mother Earth.

I took this picture at the Regional Park, basking in the sun. Photo by Angela Moon (me).

I’m happy to say it was published on Carina Lyall’s blog earlier this month. Hope you all give it a read. It feels like an act of love. It feels wholesome to share my gratitude with Mother Earth and share that gratitude with others:


Moving forward, I hope to publish more content related to introspective reflections, healing, dialogue, personal stories, and life lessons. The ideas are flowing and words are the channels through which they will emerge. Stay tuned on Medium.

In the meantime…

Follow me on my personal journey to become a curious and mindfully inspired writer here.

:) Stay well and connected!



Angela Moon

If life were short, what would you do? I seek the answers to these questions… using the written word as a way to connect within ourselves and each other.