3 min readSep 10, 2022

IntDESTcoin - Revolutionizing the Traditional Taxi Business.

IntDESTcoin is a decentralized platform that offers a solution to the traditional taxi system. It will bring together various stakeholders in the industry and create an efficient, transparent, secure and reliable business environment. It uses blockchain technology to facilitate the transactions of this market, empowering its community by establishing trust and reputation. IntDESTcoin is a based blockchain currency which will be used as a mode of payment for the taxi industry. Nowadays we can observe that, almost all the existing taxi business around the world is running their business with cash payments. The main motive behind this project to introduce decentralized digital currency in which, any person can pay online through mobile or laptop instantly and also it acts as a record of transaction between passengers and drivers. IntDESTcoin is a decentralized platform that will host multiple applications and services to revolutionize the traditional taxi business. We are building an end-to-end solution for the current problems in the world of taxis, including customers' safety, drivers' motivation, tracking and monitoring of vehicles and rides etc. IntDESTcoin is a decentralized blockchain platform with main objective of providing an alternate business model for the traditional taxi business. The concept behind the IntDESTcoin Platform is to allow drivers to have their own private funds, create their own business and in turn get rewarded.

A New Kind of Ride" IntDESTcoin is an Ethereum-based Transportation Technology that is more efficient, safer and transparent. In this blog, we will discuss how IntDESTcoin will revolutionize the traditional Taxi business, as we know it today.
We will discuss the following topics.
IntDESTcoin Consensus Algorithm
IntDESTcoin Token Economy
IntDESTcoin Trust Algorithm
IntDESTcoin Blockchain
How The IntDESTcoin Token Will Work.
IntDESTcoin Token Sale We are in the age of technology. The emergence of smartphones has disrupted many industries, including the taxi industry. The traditional taxi industry is currently facing a lot of challenges in terms of efficiency, drivers' safety and lack of accountability. All of this has to change. We will look at the challenges the traditional taxi industry is currently facing and how we can solve them with the help of Blockchain technology.

IntDESTcoin - Revolutionizing the Traditional Taxi Business. IntDESTcoin is a decentralized peer to peer system with no central servers, which eliminates fraud and middleman. IntDESTcoin is touching the lives of billions of people on a daily basis. It is revolutionizing the taxi business by building a highly secured global ecosystem on the blockchain, powered by Intdestcoin.

In the past few years, the traditional taxi business has started to suffer from some problems which are keeping it from evolving like a normal business should. For example, the taxis need to be constantly monitored to make sure that they are following the law and their drivers are safe. There are even some taxi drivers who are not following the law, and the taxi companies need to make sure that this does not happen. The traditional taxi business is antiquated and needs a shakeup in order to advance to the next level. Enter IntDESTcoin, a decentralized, transparent, and secure way to make peer to peer transactions that provides a superior service to customers and drivers alike. If you want to find out more about IntDESTcoin, check out their website at