Andrew Barth Feldman’s ‘Star Wars’ Parody A Galactic Success

Sean Patrick Brennan
5 min readMar 5, 2020


Writer, Director, Choreographer, Producer, and Star Andrew Barth Feldman as Darth Vader

We were warned from the very beginning: “this is a show written by eighth graders, so it’s kinda bad”. We laughed at the line, but once the performance started, we couldn’t stop laughing — with utter amazement at how great it actually was. Sure, there were some stumbles along the way, but even those made the experience that much more fun, and by the time it ended, I was sure someone would announce it would soon launch an Off-Broadway run.

First things first, though. Andrew Barth Feldman (Dear Evan Hansen) really did write and produce this show with his friend and classmate Adrian Dickson when the two were still in the eighth grade. Just as importantly right upfront: some of the proceeds for the two-weekend, completely sold-out event went to NEXT for AUTISM, and guests were invited to contribute more if they could by utilizing the envelopes provided on tables at the 54 Below nightclub. You can donate to this important cause right now as well by clicking here.

The cast lineup for the performance I attended with my friends (9:30 PM on 3/1) was exciting to begin with, and although I knew some of the performers going in, I was genuinely blown away by the talents of the entire cast.

Highlights for me included Antonio Cipriano (Jagged Little Pill) as Luke Skywalker, whose voice was simply astounding, Heath Saunders (The Great Comet, Alice By Heart) as Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose singing and acting were next-level incredible, Sadie Seelert (Mary Poppins) as Princess Leia, who managed to not only sing gorgeously but also act just like Carrie Fisher did in the films, and Alex Boniello (Dear Evan Hansen, Spring Awakening) as Grand Moff Tarkin, who turned in a truly hysterical take on the character, complete with over-pronounced H’s to make himself sound whay more whickedly evil.

And then of course there was the incomparable Andrew Darth Feldman — sorry, Andrew Barth Feldman — who somehow took on both Darth Vader AND Han Solo. Not so solo after all, apparently, especially considering some of the quick costume changes this crazy self-casting decision required of him. (Recall too that Han Solo has to dress up as a stormtrooper in one scene as well.)

Andrew was off-book more than anyone else, not surprisingly, and in the midst of one very difficult song filled with a multitude of melismatic melodies, he delightfully broke character to mourn, “Oh my God, I’m never gonna be able to sing again after this”. He really gave the song 200%, which though not always advisable, certainly helped him achieve some awesome results!

Equally impressive were the looks of awe his fellow cast members gave him in the midst of this extremely challenging song:

Left to Right: Heath Saunders, Antonio Cipriano, and Andrew Barth Feldman
Andrew, what?!?!

Beyond those wonderful people, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out four other performances that each blew me away as much as the next. The first is Jared Goldsmith (Dear Evan Hansen) as R2-D2, who not only had to act and move around with his arms tucked in tightly to his costume the entire time, but also had to make some crazy good R2 noises too, all while NEVER, EVER breaking character! That alone was an incredible feat!

Next is Gabrielle Carrubba (Dear Evan Hansen) as both Aunt Beru and Chewbacca (because of course, right?). She was very cute and amusing as Aunt Beru, but as a fur-coat-and-hat-wearing Chewbacca, she was hysterical, sometimes laughing her way through some very funny Chewy-like grunts, growls, and even — believe it or not — actual Wookiee singing! Fantastic job!

As Uncle Owen, Sky Lakota-Lynch (Dear Evan Hansen) made Luke’s famously dismissive uncle loud, angry, and maybe even a bit drunk, but in a casting mashup the likes of which you’ve never seen before, he returned later on as none other than the high-voiced, overly happy, and always charming Mickey Mouse, desperate to add the Star Wars saga to his theme parks somehow.

And last but not least, Will Roland (Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen) completely nailed the role of C-3PO. Not only was his voice work PERFECT for the character, but he also dangled his arms out from his body in the same tall, confident posture as his robotic counterpart as well. Really well done!

Literally everyone else involved, from veteran stage actress Jessica Phillips (Dear Evan Hansen) as “Space God”, to newcomer Nathan Levy (Dear Evan Hansen) as the “Death Star and Others”, were so much fun to watch as well, especially as the action took place not just up on stage, but all around us too.

The jokes were a wonderful mix of tried-and-true and completely original, and often shared so casually, I found myself howling with laughter while some younger audience members didn’t even seem to catch them. It was just that kind of a feel-good night filled with incredible performances and brilliant writing that made me giddy with delight.

Congratulations to every single person involved in this — those mentioned here and all those I sadly missed. And most of all, BRAVO to creators Andrew Barth Feldman and Adrian Dickson for a job very, VERY well done!

LEFT: Heath Saunders is the sexiest damn Jedi you’ve ever seen (and don’t miss Will Roland’s C-3PO on the ground, just after he’s been attacked by Sand People). RIGHT: Antonio Cipriano looks to be in awe of his extra-large, extra-firm…lightsaber.
LEFT: Sky Lakota-Lynch as Mickey Mouse. Why, you might ask yourself, would Mickey Mouse be in outer space? I don’t know, maybe he was looking for Pluto? RIGHT: Andrew Barth Feldman as Han Solo, looking here like he still can’t believe he got a bunch of amazing Broadway stars to put on his show. All photos were taken by and are shared courtesy of my friend Rick Tomack.

FAVORITE GAG #1: When R2 shows Princess Leia’s hologram, Jared Goldsmith held a small Princess Leia figurine out in front of him.

FAVORITE GAG #2: Heath Saunders as Obi-Wan Kenobi asking the white stormtroopers why they really pulled him over.



Sean Patrick Brennan

I buy shirts in extra large, but Medium fits me just fine. Welcome to my ridiculously short bio. Author and blogger from Long Island, NY. Find me on Amazon.