You Are Not What You Eat

What? Seriously?

Kristina Ray
2 min readJul 8, 2014

“It’s not what enters your mouth that makes you sick, but what comes out of your mouth that makes you sick.”

You are not what you eat.

You are not what you consume.

You are what you think.

You are what you speak.

You are what you believe.

If we are not what we eat, then why advocate eating healthy? What is healthy eating? Is it low-fat, low-calorie, organic, local, gmo-free, gluten-free, vegan food?

No, healthy eating is sustainable, loving and compassionate. It is eating consciously, without taking more than you need just because you can.

Food is not what is making you “overweight” or unhealthy, it’s your mindset about food that makes you “overweight” or unhealthy.

We’ve gotten it all wrong. The reason foods become harmful to our bodies is because we are eating in states of apathy, shame, guilt, and greed.

Are we that egotistical that we think we can sustain this gig we’ve got going on earth when we are bent on destroying it? No one owns this earth. No one owns the land. There is no deed to earth. The natives tried to teach us this lesson, but we refused to listen. We pretend it’s ours to sell or own, we can rape the earth and its inhabitants, but the lesson is only getting costlier as time goes by.

We deny the truth out of our own pride. We are not number one. The earth doesn’t revolve around humans, we are not the center of the universe. We know this scientifically, but our actions betray us showing we still believe that we are number one. If we refuse to coexist, co-operate, and change then we will destroy ourselves.



Kristina Ray

Medium is a home for my random musings and unrestrained imaginations. Generally everything here is left open for interpretations. Mystery is all around.