Depression and the Five Stages

Angelica Cuellar
3 min readNov 12, 2018

Depression is common to humans. You can be depressed as an older child, pregnant women, or at any stage in your life. It is very important to know what to look for when you, or others around you may be depressed. It can be helpful to know what to do to or how to act around others that may feel depressed. Many people get depressed and can be beneficial to know where to look for help when feeling depressed.

What is depression?

Depression is the feeling of sadness or feelings of anxiety. Depression is a mental illness. You may feel sad; however, that does not mean you are depressed. When you are depressed, you feel sad/ anxious for long periods of time. You can become depressed at any age or stage of life.

Symptoms of depression:

Some symptoms to looks for when you are a friend is depressed are the feeling of being sad. When you or your friends feel sad, you may find yourself distancing yourself from others. You may also see yourself losing interest in what you use to be very interested in. some other symptoms of depression may be appetite loss or gain. There even may be sleeping issues whether it may be having a hard time sleeping or sleeping too much. When people are depressed, you may have thoughts of suicide.

The Five stages of Depression:


— In this stage the world becomes meaningless. The world makes no sense, and you may wonder what the purpose of living is. You start to question many things, and this will help you heal so that the denial faze will go away.


-You may feel angry at many people such as friends, parents, god, and people you may not know. Anger is essential to healing. Underneath all the anger you may feel is pain.


This is the what if stage. You begin asking yourself “what is this? And what if that?” you are trying to negotiate the pain that you are feeling and trying to come up with ways to make it go away.


Within this stage, you will begin to feel empty inside. This may lead you to thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself. You may lose interest in May things or have a loss of appetite.


This stage is the knowledge that you need help. This does not mean that you are okay, it means that you will seek a way to feel better such as seeing a doctor, talking to others, or see a therapist.

Help with Depression

There are many things you can do to help depression. If you are feeling depressed, you can talk to a doctor about taking antidepressants. You may want to talk to a therapist if you feel depressed. Talking to friends or family may help to create a support center around you when you are feeling depressed. There is also a suicide hotline 1–800–273–8255 that is very useful to know when you are on the edge of depression.

The importance of suicide awareness

You can suffer from depression at any age. Since depression is so prevalent in people and it is hard to know how others are genuinely feeling it is essential to recognize the signs of depression. There are many things that you can do to help those with depression.

