How do you sing your national anthem?

Angelica Jimenez
1 min readApr 30, 2024


Is it for the sake of singing it?
Is it just because it’s a requirement?
Or is it because you feel proud?

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I often find a lot of people, not just my students, who see this as a chore. Some may even say that having it memorized is not necessary or even useful.

If you ask me, I will tell you to always sing it with pride. This is the only thing we can do to commemorate the patriotism of our fellow Filipinos.

We don’t need to bring bolo or guns.
We don’t need to create a tactic.
We don’t need to sacrifice our lives just to get the freedom we have.

We already have it (at least).
All we have to do is to honor it.

And one way to do it?

Sing the anthem with heart and pride, and never mock it.




Angelica Jimenez

An educator who loves finding the silver linings and searching for new experiences in life's mysteries.