“If you were gone, who would miss you?” — Seth Godin

Angelica Nohra
2 min readMar 1, 2016


Wow…this morning, driving to work, I was listening to an #askGaryVee episode which featured Seth Godin. Seth finished off the episode with the question of the day;

If you were gone, who would miss you?

At first I thought, oh that’s easy, my parents, my husband…a couple of friends. Then it hit me…that’s it. That’s it! Almost 28 years of my life and I can count on one hand who would actually miss me.

It hit me how small I’ve been playing. How much I have been hiding from my great work, the work that will potentially lead to being missed by thousands of people for generations to come. I’m hiding from creating my legacy.

Yes, I’m only young and there is so much life left to lead but for how long I continue to say that? How long can I sit back and say I’ve got plenty of years left to live?

Want to know the saddest part though? I’ve always thought I was a good person, a deeply intuitive person and I guess someone that intimidates a lot of people because I can see straight through people’s walls and call them out on stuff they aren’t ready to talk about…or acknowledge. I thought that would lead people to admire me but no…it just isolates me further and further away from everyone. How am I actually going to be missed if people are simply pushing me away anyway?

How insignificant a lot of life seems right now.

So I ask you, who will miss you when you are gone?

