Lower your expectations | Raise your standards

Angelica Nohra
2 min readDec 19, 2018


When will we realise that no one really cares? I mean, some people do but those people are few and far between. The amount of people who will actually support you and your ventures are a lot lower than you expect. The amount of people who will be as excited as you about something new within your business is few and far between.

So stop expecting support.

Stop expecting people, especially friends, to buy your products, listen to your podcasts, watch your videos, participate in your groups, join your webinars.

Just stop.

All that expectation leaves you resentful of people. When you stop with the expectation, you start to do the work for yourself rather than to impress other people.

I gave up expecting friends to support my business a long time ago. Whenever I would see a Dan Murphy’s box sitting in someone’s office I’d think “what the f? Buy from me! I’ll even give you mate’s rates” but no…people will continue to do what is habitual for them. I can leave subtle hints about how it would nice to be supported but it doesn’t effect me anymore.

It’s hard for people to change their go-to skin routine, their shampoo, their choice of champagne, their jewellery provider, their protein shake, their health regime… whatever. It’s hard to change yourself, let alone change other people.

So, let go of the expectation that people are going to support you.

Instead, raise your standards. Get out there and prove to the world you are proud of your business & your products. Get out there and do the best work you can because you never know who is watching in the background and who is being inspired by you. Don’t grovel to people. Don’t get down on yourself. Don’t give discounts simply because you are just so damn grateful that someone you are friends with wanted to buy from you. Make the money honey because you deserve it. Discounting to friends also devalues your business and yourself.

Raise your standards and always be grateful for support but stop expecting it.

