Top 5 Favorite Fallout 4 Ghouls

Angelique Valentini
5 min readSep 16, 2021


John Hancock

Gotta start with everyone’s favorite ghoul, John Hancock. When first visiting Goodneighbor, you come across him in the background as Finn greets you. Finn thinks you need insurance, so he wants you to hand over some caps. You can go ahead and kill him before Hancock does, or let him do all the work to kill Finn instead.

Hancock is a cool character right off the bat, despite dealing with bad cards. Hancock becomes a companion after you do Bobbi No Nose’s mission of supposedly digging under Diamond City. When faced with Hancock’s guard Fahrenheit, you can either side with her or Bobbi No Nose. I always go with Fahrenheit, as I don’t ever want to piss off Hancock.

Why I love him:

Like Nick, Hancock doesn’t take any shit, and can roast anybody as good as Nick can. Hancock is also a romance option, so I choose him to be my boyfriend everytime. If you disappoint him, he’s willing to give you a second chance as he doesn’t want to “give up on a good thing just yet.”

Edward Deegan

Edward can first be seen at the Monument, a small area where the Sole Survivor can do some bartering. Edward offers a job, and if one agrees, has the Sole Survivor go to the Cabot house to meet John Cabot. It’s an interesting mission, as it involves Jack Cabot’s Father. However, it involves killing the Father or sparing him; which I find to be a big mistake.

Later on after returning to the Cabot House, Edward says he’s in trouble. The Sole Survivor and Jack head to Edward’s location, where he’s been wounded. Unfortunately we don’t find out if he survives or not, as I never returned back to the Cabot House after the final mission. I hope he did survive, but I find him to be such a great character.

Why I love him:

Edward is pretty loyal from what I have seen, willing to help out the people or anyone else who had hired him. Edward is also a sweet guy, and definitely would want to be reasonable.

Kent Connelly

After arriving in Goodneighbor, Kent can be found in a small room in the Memory Den. He hosts Silver Shroud radio. Kent seems to be a big fan, knowing the episode numbers and still aware of the Silver Shroud outfit. When talking to the SS, Kent has them head to Hubris comics to retrieve the outfit. Once inside, you’ll find some feral ghouls and a Glowing One as well. Once retrieved, you head back to Kent who ultimately gives you the outfit.

Kent pretty much turns SS into the Silver Shroud, having you kill targets and leaving a calling card. Unfortunately this makes Sinjin kidnap him, and you have to find Kent Connelly. Once you do, it’s up to you whether or not Kent dies or stays alive. After taking out Sinjin, Kent realizes that this dangerous life isn’t for him.

Why I love him:

Kent is pretty passionate about the Silver Shroud, even creating a radio show and making a fictional hero real. Even after his run-in with Sinjin, he eventually decides to help again by upgrading the outfit.

Vault-Tec Rep

He looks familiar, doesn’t he?

That’s because he’s the Vault-Tec Rep from the beginning who greeted the SS. It was up to him to get you to get Vault 111, and for filling out your information. After the door is rudely closed on him, eventually SS and their family have to leave home and get to Vault 111. At the gate the Rep argues that he should be allowed in, but is told to turn away.

Hundreds of years later, Rep can be found in Hotel Rexford on the second floor. Rep recognizes SS right away, and wonders why they haven’t aged a day. Rep describes how the past 200 years have been Hell for him, as most people tend not to take too kindly to Ghouls. It’s up to SS to send him to a settlement like Sanctuary, or stay in Goodneighbor where he’s always been.

Why I love him:

He’s a bit grumpy when you first speak to him, but you honestly can’t blame him. Rep was a very good employee, and was doing his best…especially to win steak knives. When you offer to visit Rep, his face lights up and seems to be the happiest he’s ever been. When you fullfill Rep’s promise to see him, he’s glad you did and that uou offered him a job. Rep is a sweet man, and it feels good to help him out after everything he has been through.

Captain Zao

Along the waters on a deck, you meet a little boy who has claimed he had seen a monster in the water. This monster apparently makes an appearance by having an eye pop up to look. When you investigate this monster, it’s actually a submarine submerged right underneath the water. The eye of the monster is nothing more than a periscope. Going inside, you meet Captain Zao of the submarine known as Yangtze. At first he’s wary, but he’s relieved once you tell him you’re not there to kill him or steal.

Zao unfortunately became trapped with his crew, who all became feral and trapped in other parts of the submarine. Zao wants to put his crew to rest, but wants the SS to do it as he never could. Once SS gets the parts he needs to fix the Yangtze, Zao thanks them and goes to leave.

Why I love him:

Zao is a gentle soul, reminding me of Kent Connelly in a way. He clearly loved his crew as they were like family, and never could find himself to kill them. When SS arrives, he knows that he has to set them free by having SS kill them.



Angelique Valentini

Definitely not a pro writer, that's for sure. A place to talk about my favorite things, not caring who sees my shit and not caring if it gets any claps or not.