The Fluffy Shade of Your Comfort Zone and How to Step out

Beyond our comfort zone is where we grow. Here’s one quick actionable step to help you get there.

Angelo Belardi
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2018


“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” — Neale Donald Walsch

I felt uncomfortable this morning.

When I was out for my morning run, I ran a few intervals (short bouts of running as fast as you can). Whenever I do them, my heart begins to pound frantically in my chest, I get short of breath, the muscles in my legs burn and weaken, my nose and airways get stuck and fill up with mucus… You get the picture.

All that is extremely uncomfortable. Why do I still do it?

Because just as with many other things in life, in training you only ever grow when you get out of your comfort zone. When you accept that it’s alright to feel uncomfortable and that you’ll get through it.

If you exercise always within your comfort zone, you can at best keep your fitness level, your endurance and speed in running, but you won’t be able to improve.

That’s why we need to step out from the shade of our comfort zone, into the light that allows us to grow, even though it might burn us.



Angelo Belardi
Ascent Publication

Researching psychologist with a passion for habits and mindfulness.