Create Your Own Healing Path

Angel's Gold Healing
6 min readNov 10, 2023


As the date for my book release is nearing, I’m being reminded by the angels to bring Bold Trust into the world practicing what I teach. Since everything is energy and we are all connected by energy, the energy with which I release my book is just as important as the energy I’ve put inside it. Since my book is about healing anxiety, it’s imperative that I stay balanced and authentic so that these energies are passed on so that you can heal anxiety.

Just because there are well-traveled paths that are recommended for healing, happiness, running a business, or launching a book doesn’t mean those are right for you or me. These paths have been good for some people but are not meant for everyone. Healing anxiety demands that you check in with yourself first before deciding what direction you will travel. The path that is right for you, the one that heals anxiety, is the one that lights you up. Your path will feel good in your mind, body, and soul. Your unique path will also bring you joy.

Healing Anxiety

There’s an abundance of books and information about anxiety which can feel overwhelming. While it’s not bad to listen to or read this information, not all of this information is right for you. Healing anxiety requires you to discern between narratives and information that may help you and what might be hurting you.

For example, years ago a counselor recommended that I do acupuncture to help with my anxiety. Even though I dreaded each appointment with the acupuncturist, I kept going because it was supposed to be good for me. My fear of needles and feeling like I was trapped with all these needles on me did not help my anxiety. Acupuncture is good for many people, but it doesn’t work for me. The fear and discomfort I felt during these sessions completely nullified any healing that could have happened because of the extra adrenaline my body produced (read Anxiety and the Adrenaline Cycle).

Following your own path allows you to get to the core issues of your anxiety that needs healing. I see healing as being synonymous with growth. And while there are similarities in what everyone needs to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually, the specific needs of what each person needs to heal are unique. What you need to heal and thrive is unique to you because of your genetic makeup, life experiences, and who you are at a soul level.

Traveling a path based on other people’s narratives will feed and, at times, create anxiety if these beliefs are not true for you. Not living your life in alignment with your soul is one of the root causes of anxiety. At an intuitive level, your body, mind, and soul know what’s good for you. When you travel on roads paved by others that aren’t right for you, anxiety rises up, letting you know that it’s time to veer off that path so that you can start creating your own.

Your Healing Path

There are plenty of narratives that claim to know you and what’s best for you, and the voices from these narratives can get very loud. However, just because they’re loud doesn’t mean they’re right for you. Loudness does not equal the truth, and more specifically, your truth. Below are four ways to help you create your own healing path.

4 Ways to Create Your Own Healing Path

1. Determine which narratives are true for you.

There are so many other narratives and scripts that want to dictate your “shoulds.” Who you “should” be, what you “should” be doing, and what your life “should” look like, to name a few. And it’s easy to get caught up in these narratives (I still do at times). Healing anxiety requires you to carefully examine all of the narratives in your life so that you can let go of the ones that keep you out of balance and authenticity. Pay close attention to the background thoughts you have, particularly any thoughts that affect how you feel about yourself — your sense of worth and your confidence.

2. Spend time in nature.

Cosmos picked from my garden.

There are a plethora of healing benefits from spending time in nature. Nature provides you with the quietude to hear your own voice, allowing you to create your own narratives. Connecting to nature and observing her rich variety of species helps you to appreciate your own uniqueness. Tending to the flowers in my garden has shown me that even though there are similarities among the same varieties of flowers, each individual flower is unique. No two flowers will bloom at the same time even though they receive the same amount of water and sunlight. There are also variations in bloom size, stem length, and color. Traveling your own healing path allows you to fully bloom into who are at a soul level.

3. Listen to your intuition.

Meditation helps you tune out all the distractions around you so that you can connect to your intuition. Your intuition acts like your internal personal compass, guiding you on your own unique healing path. When there’s a decision to make, go in the direction that feels strong in your body. If you get a sinking feeling in your gut or if the thought of something makes your body feel weak, then change directions because that’s not the right path for you.

4. Follow what lights you up.

Direction Guardian card from Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors deck.

Contemplating the launch of my book, I turned to Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors oracle card deck for support and drew the Direction Guardian: Chose Your Path card. Here’s the message from this card: “Connect with your deepest desires, then chose the path that will make your heart and soul sing.” When you’re unsure of what your next steps are, go in the direction that lights you up. The path that brings you joy. This card is confirmation for you and me to create healing paths that feel balanced and authentic.

It’s understandably scary to create your own path, especially when the paved ones seem to guarantee certain outcomes. But this is a false sense of security, since no one knows what the future holds, no matter what path we travel. Creating your own path, and subsequently braving the wilderness, frees your soul, ultimately freeing you from anxiety.

Instead of worrying about what I’m supposed to do for my book launch, I’m doing what feels right to me and also what feels like fun. My intention is to release my book with calming energy that comes from finding balance between work and rest and remaining true to myself.

Check your inbox on November 14th for my first podcast episode introducing my book. In this episode I go over the introduction of my book and discuss my most recent blogs. Please let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d like me to cover. I appreciate your feedback.

My book Bold Trust — 6 Steps to Unravel the Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting, Unapologetically Trust Yourself, and Heal Anxiety will be released November 14th, 2023, and is available to pre-order here.



Angel's Gold Healing

Tricia Easter is an author who’s passionate about helping others heal anxiety and destigmatizing mental health issues through open and honest conversations.