How I Land a Job at CHIP BTPN, (and sadly cannot take it)

Angga Dwi Arifandi
8 min readJul 12, 2018


I created this article because at the first time i looked up at the job on Google, i didn’t see any experience of someone applying for this position written up on the Internet.

A little background to the story, maybe not much of you guys acknowledge this program called CHIP by Bank BTPN. So what is CHIP?

CHIP, which stands for Creative Hacknology Intensive Program, is an “Management Trainee” program introduced by Bank BTPN to search for its IT Leader. Why did i gave a quotation mark on the Management Trainee term? because it’s not an actual Management Trainee program, or so it says the Recruitment Team. So based on what i heard, the goal of the CHIP Program is to train the best Engineer through the program so the trainee could be an IT Leader at Bank BTPN one day.

More about the CHIP program, the trainee would first attend their three months at the office doing training on Software Engineering, Leadership, and Creative stuffs. But, they’re also going to be assessed while doing the training. And, based on that assessment, after the first three months the trainee will be placed on the job with the real Engineers at BTPN. Well i didn’t really know on what product the trainee will be placed, but all i know is BTPN had two IT products which is Jenius and BTPN Wow!. That “On The Job” phase would go for about nine months after the training phase. The trainee will still be assessed based on their performance throughout those phase. And after those first year at the company, the trainee will finally placed around BTPN based on their performance throughout the year. If you want to find out more about the program, the resources is available on

So, finally last Tuesday was my last interview process with Bank BTPN for it’s CHIP Position. And, thankfully, i got accepted through all the processes. So what is it like?

Well, for those of you who didn’t have very much time to read this, the process consist of five major points:

  • Application
  • Online Coding Test
  • HR Interview
  • Online Psychometric Test
  • Business Head Interview

So here goes..


I applied for the CHIP job through Kalibrr ( There’s many other jobs posted there by several companies. Before we can apply through Kalibrr, we need to fill in some information and also had our resume/cv saved through the app.

For the CHIP job, we also need to fill in additional information such as our GPA.

After we submit the application through the app, we should wait until the recruiter seen our profile and if it’s matched their criteria, we should be noticed for the next process.

Online Coding Test

After the application through the Kalibrr app, if our profile match their recruitment, the recruiter will then send us the email for an online coding test.

CHIP uses Hackerrank ( for the coding test process. The coding test consist of 4 programming problems. In my opinion, it’s not as hard as Traveloka’s or Tokopedia’s programming problems, but a solid knowledge of programming, data structure, etc is still needed because we can’t get full marks if our solution is not very good.

And i think BTPN require their Engineers to be able to code in Java because the solution should be written in Java.

My score on this process is 80 and i still can go through this process. My suggestion for this process is you should familiarize yourself with the programming problems and be really ready for the test.

HR Interview

The next step, if we pass the online coding test is.

We will be called by one of the CHIP recruitment team, and they will ask u for your availability for an HR Interview. This is actually pretty new to me because in my previous interviews, HR interview would be wrapped in one session with User Interview. Because, the HR team will only ask us basic questions and it wouldn’t take that much time.

But, in CHIP, the HR Interview process will obligate you to create a presentation about a specific topic and you will be interviewed while presenting about those topic. I think this is similar to the recruitment process of other Management Trainee job on other companies.

The presentation itself shouldn’t be too long because we will only have 10 minutes to present about the topic which is i think pretty BIG, that’s why we had to be very simple but still on point on the presentation. This process is conducted completely in English.

I think the goal of this phase is to filter candidates for it’s Public Speaking skills and their Analytical Skills. The HR team didn’t demand too high for this process because i still present my presentation while reading notes and it’s fine.

After the presentation, the HR team will gave us some input about the presentation and where should we improve them.

My suggestion for this process is you should learn to present your ideas on english in front of a mirror or ask one of your friends. And try your best to make a solid point with less-words.

Online Psychometric Test

After we pass the HR interview, we will be emailed for the Game Based Assessment Test.

Well this kind of thing is actually pretty new for me. I’ve only heard about this kind of assessment from one of my friend who’s also applying for an MT kind of job.

The test will use a certain mobile game produced by Arctic Shores ( a startup who produced mobile game to assess one’s psychometric. It’s actually pretty cool from my POV as i never been doing this kind of assessment.

The game that i will be doing is Cosmic Cadet and Yellow Hook Reef

Cosmic Cadet
Yellow Hook Reef

Well there’s also a video about the game on YouTube if you’re curious about the game.

All i can say about the game and the assessment is, it’s trying to assess your risk taking skills, decision making, and that kind of stuff.

My suggestion to do this kind of assessment is do it when you can really really focus at it because it will take a pretty long time and you should be really focused while doing it.

Business Head Interview

After i pass the Game Based Assessment process, i got to the last process of the recruitment. Which is the hardest (I guess).

In this process, i need to present about the presentation i had earlier about a specific topic. This process will also be conducted completely in English. I guess your English skill really matter for this position.

So the interview will be conducted with Three People consist of:

  • 1 BTPN Business/IT Head
  • 1 Lead Developer
  • 1 Human Capital Lead

On my interview, the IT head that interviewed me is Amith Kumar, which after i see the organizational structure later is on the IT Business Enablement Leader.

The Lead Developer is Mas Fajar, which is an alumnus of my university too so i could do a little chit-chat about our university.

And the Human Capital Lead is Mas Fakhri. I can’t really found their name on the email so i can’t really point out their profile here. But they’re really nice while doing the interview so don’t be worry.

The interview goes for about 2.5 Hours.

First, we will be told to present about our presentation. And then the Business Heads will ask us several question about the presentation itself and our point of view of several aspects.

After that, the IT Head will write a Programming Problem on the wall and our task is to complete that problem. It’s actually not that hard of a problem if you’re really focused. But, my head got over me because i already speak for a while and got a little stressed so i found it pretty hard. But, finally i got a working solution of the problem.

After all that, we will told to go out for about 10 minutes while they’re discussing whether i got accepted in to the program or not. After 10 minutes, i was told about the decision and i got into the program!

The HR then arrange the time for the next step which is medical check up and sign the offering letter.

After all those process, the candidate should take a medical check up test and sign an offering letter. The program itself starts on August. And this is the Second Batch of the CHIP program.

Overall, i pass all those process in about one month. Each process takes about a week or maybe sooner based on your condition and on what time you took the test. I really enjoyed the process as it’s my first time applying for an MT position and it’s a whole lot different from the other Software Engineering recruitment process. It was really-really an exciting experience for me.

So that’s how i land a job at CHIP BTPN. But, actually, in the end i cannot take that job because tragically i failed my numerical method class which should be the last class i took. Well, that’s actually a pretty interesting story too and i will tell u about that in the other story.

I hope this story of mine makes it clearer about the recruitment process at CHIP BTPN. My prayers goes along for u who is interested in joining the program. Best of luck!

P.S. : If you have any questions about the CHIP Program that maybe i could answer, don’t hesitate to ask me. My email is




Angga Dwi Arifandi

A passionate Software Engineer who's curious about everything.