UX Case Study HealthyMe: Personalize Exercise Application

Romy Anggit Priambodo
7 min readNov 13, 2019

Brief: Do you find it hard to exercise regularly? Professional workers are struggling to exercise regularly due to busy activity. Most of them are productive age (23–40 years old) who works more than 40 hours a week.

Product Overview

HealthyMe is an application to help professional workers who are busy and don’t have time for exercise to make it easier for them to exercise anywhere and anytime. They can also determine their target and commitment to exercise.

The Problem

The reason we took this case study was that all three of us (Gilang Ilma, Khansaa ziz Fathima and me) had been professional workers who didn’t have time to exercise due to the busy schedule. Professional workers do not know the importance of exercise and do not know the consequences of a lack of exercise. Exercising can help to keep the body healthy so that it can support all their activities and also avoid stress at work.

The Solution

“If you are designing something product without strategy thinking, without purpose, without brief is just art”

Design thinking method

In this case study, we used design thinking as a methodological approach to finding solutions to problems encountered. So we can define the users, needs, and insights that will be processed into creating a solution. By using design thinking methods we are not only focused on solving the right customer problem but also think about how to strengthens our business for long-term sustainability or better know as feasibility, desirability, and viability.


This application design was created by Gilang Ilma, Khansaa ziz Fathima, and I. The brief was given as an assignment for UX Design class at Purwadhika Startup School. We have not focused on job role because this is our first project, we did all the process together as a team.

Design Thinking Process


Working at the office actually has negative effects due to decreasing motivation to workout. According to research, 6 in 10 employees are not putting any effort to exercise anymore. It is understandable that many of us are forced to spend most of our time sitting at our desks, it made our fitness level decreases. A study stated that 57% of office workers did not regularly exercise. Less than 10% exercise regularly and under 30% sometimes still exercise. Too tired to work, little motivation and lack of time are the main reasons why exercise is not a part of the daily lifestyle for office workers.

From the interview, we found out that most professional workers prefer to exercise alone. Most of them exercise used applications or video tutorials. However, it’s still difficult for them to exercise regularly without a clear target, commitment, and schedule.

As a synthesis of the design, we also have a comparative analysis with similar products. Most applications have personalized exercise plans, sports categories, and video instructions.

Comparative analysis


As a part of the design thinking process, we defined the users, needs, and insight based on desk research, questionnaire, and interviews.


  • Men and women aged 23–40 years old
  • Work in an office 5 days a week for more than 8 hours a day
  • Solid routine, runs between deadlines and meeting
  • Prefer to take some rest than exercising


  • Need to stay healthy to maintain good performance at work
  • Easy exercise but not time-consuming
  • A personal trainer to guide the exercise without going to the gym


  • “Do I really need to exercise? I feel healthy enough anyways.” -> Users need to know the impact of not doing any exercise
  • “I prefer to sleep on the weekend. Good sleep is rare these days!” -> Overwhelming routine kills motivation to do something new

How might we

  • How can we encourage office workers to start exercising regularly?

Can we

  • How can we maintain the user’s motivation to exercise?

User Persona


HealthyMe is an application that helps professional workers to stay healthy by providing a personalized exercise program based on their target: lose weight, stay fit, and body shaping. Users will be able to choose their commitment and exercise anywhere and anytime by following the movements on the video. To make the user remain motivated, after finishing a program, they can exchange their points.

HealthyMe User Flow

HealthyMe Features

1. Personalized exercise: users can determine their own targets, commitments, and exercises according to their needs.

2. Diet plan: exercise will be more significant with a diet plan, at the end of the exercise we provide healthy food recommendations with nutrition facts, recipes, and servings.

3. Exchange point: Users will get point every time they finished an exercise to motivated them to exercise regularly.

User Journey


Low Fidelity Prototype

We created a low fidelity prototype before high fidelity prototype, at this stage we made a paper prototype based on the user flow that has already been existed and we have some insightful feedback from our friends at the class and also our prototype has won the best paper prototype.

Paper prototype

Style Guide

Since the spirit of exercising and calories burning are to be emphasized throughout the app, the visual elements are best to be represented with energetic mood. Colors, icons, typefaces and other components are set to behave bold energetic feelings. Applying the balance of appropriate white space and subtle grey colors are essential to maintain comfort in the user’s eye.

Color Palette

We chose a variety of colors that represents energetic vibes to get moving and exercising. Orange and red were chosen to emphasize the energy while also using the balance of appropriate white space and subtle grey to maintain comfort in the user’s eye.


Montserrat type family were chosen for most headings as its bold character suits well with the energetic vibe that was emphasized throughout the app’s interface. Gadugi typeface was also paired as the body text to balance the strong and bold character of Montserrat while still maintaining the readability.

High Fidelity Prototype

After creating the design guideline, we started to work collaboratively to create the screen with Adobe XD.


We gathered the feedbacks through user testing with 5 users. Overall, they were able to use the app without any significant problems. However, we have some valuable insights that we can use for the next iteration:

  1. Consider user’s exercise habits in the past: To make the exercise more personalized, HealthyMe needs to input user’s habit in their equation. The user’s habit will determine what program will be offered.
  2. Get More Social: There needs to be a feature for friend reminder when users miss a session.
  3. More exercise options: It would be better if variations in exercise were added like pilates, pound fit, and zumba.
  4. Exercise needs more details: To avoid injury in exercise it is necessary to add what to avoid in exercise details.


I am very pleased to work on my first project. It’s interesting to learn how we solve problem users and we pour everything in design. Although I know some things could still be tweaked and worked on like our research has not been deep enough in creating a human-centered product. Too bad some of the decisions were made based on our assumptions. Next time, we will do deeper research to gain more valuable insights and This project also made us learned that a clear job description will make the process easier in a design thinking process. I can’t wait to see how much I grow in my thought process for the next project.

Let me know what you think about our first project, all feedback is welcome!


