The Fairness of My Skin

Angie D. Nunez
1 min readApr 24, 2024


We want to stay mediocre

Sometimes lost

Maybe Hurt

Always Victim

You know you are worth much more

But the fear of success cripples you

Because who in poverty succeeds?

Who of color makes a difference?

We are minorities made to feel minor

Only to make the mass feel seen

Only to fuel those known as “elite”

With our life, our power, our happiness, and our ownership

I wish to be free

I wish to be more than the fair skin I am in

My grandmother dark

My cousins dark

My father dark

I am not

We are labeled and separated at birth

I was labeled and separated at birth

Where do I actually fit in

Where do I thrive

When does life equate to being alive

When is freedom my birth right

When is freedom more than the fairness of my skin

But, I can’t speak up

Because I am privileged

Because I am “white”

But I feel shame when I look in the mirror

Because I see curly hair and curvy hips

Betrayed by fair skin

Who knew my skin could hurt this deep

With Love and light,

Angie D. Nunez



Angie D. Nunez

I am a Latina mother of 3 from The Bronx, who wants to spread awareness on the mental health stigma minorities face.