✨Hello August 2017✨

2 min readAug 1, 2017


Hi Everyone…it’s Angie here. It’s been a minute…

Whew🤔….so exactly where did the months go? I still can’t believe that we are officially in the 8th month of the year so technically once August is done we will only have 4 more months of the year left to go!!!
With August being the 8th month, in Biblical parlance the number 8 represents “a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation”. It reminds me of the words of Scripture which says:
“Forget the former things;do not dwell on the past.See, I am doing a new thing,…I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”-(Isaiah 43:18–19)
It is very easy to look at the year so far and to beat yourself down by thinking that you haven’t accomplished as much as you would have liked BUT I want you to know with full assurance of faith that God who began this good work in you at the beginning of this year is committed to helping you carry it through to completion. God is able to “…even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”-Isaiah 43:19.
It’s a new month…it’s the dawn of a new day, don’t dwell on what hasn’t worked so far this year, it will only suck your energy & slow down your momentum. Some things you have done so far this year has worked so why don’t you focus on those things? They prove that God’s grace is upon those things so focus on them. Release what is not working, strengthen what is working & watch with God anticipation & expectation of all the new things that God desires to birth & bring to pass in your life in the remaining months of this year & beyond.
Here are a few reflections on how you can bring Godspeed to your projects for the rest of the year.
1) Write down exactly what it is that you want to accomplish in these remaining months of the year with vivid clarity. It’s not enough to just write it down. When your vision is written down with vivid clarity complete with time frames, it excites you to run after it with vigour and passion.

Habbakuk 2:2:-Then the LORD said to me:”Write the vision, and make it plain…that the one who reads it may run with it”

*Kindly click👇🏾on the link below to continue reading…





Educator by Profession…Blogger by Passion. Spreading the love of JESUS through my life’s work.To find out more about me kindly check out www.angiebroks.com