LastRoom Dream:
FREE WIFI for Business Travelers.

Angela Cois
4 min readNov 13, 2014

The last time we spoke about LastRoom, it was sharing some lessons learned in the hard way. Now it’s about a DREAM, a BIG one, perhaps the biggest we ever had so far.

[Giorgio Moroder]
When I was fifteen, sixteen, when I really started to play the guitar
I definitely wanted to become a musician
It was almost impossible because the dream was so big
I didn’t see any chance because I was living in a little town; I was studying
And when I finally broke away from school and became a musician
I thought, “Well, now I may have a little bit of a chance,”
Because all I really wanted to do is music – and not only play music
But compose music.

Now our dream is to be the first platform 100% focused on business travelers, concentrating our efforts on solving all the most relevant pains these people experience while they move around and work at the same time.

As a business traveler myself I perfectly understand the frustration of those travelers who finally arrive at the hotel after an exhausting journey and find that the WiFi connection is not included in their rate, being forced to pay a generous extra.

Business Travelers say: Paid Wifi on 2014? Are you kidding?

From New York to Dubai.

Passing to San Francisco…

Dear Hotels worldwide, you should understand once and for all that a speed wi-fi connection is not an amenity anymore, it’s an essential need for frequent business travelers.

One of the most touching tweets I’ve come across recently was:

Leisure travelers move around looking for relax, fun and sometimes trying to feed an ancestral spirit of discovery we all have. They also travel to share new experiences with their family or friends and to understand better different cultures and ways of living.

Business travelers have just one single motivation behind their trips. They have to do it, it’s a fundamental part of their job and it’s the way they feed their families and pay for their kids tuition fees.

If you take seriously the mission of being an Hotel for business travelers and you’re proud to underline your commitment any time is possible in your marketing campaigns, you should change your policies offering a speed free wi-fi connection to all your business clients.

Our dream is to make the life of Mark, Allistar, Lauren and millions of business travelers around the world a little bit better during their trips, launching a guarantee of free internet wi-fi in all our hotel partners.

We’re going to pay for the internet connection in case one of our hotels would not able to provide it for free. This is our first step on the path of being a responsible company willing to improve the experience of our users rather than providing a service only.

I am co-founder at LastRoom, a travel startup based in Mexico City. LastRoom helps companies and business travelers cut their travel expenses with the first cloud-based software tailored to SMBs, combining the best hotel content available on the Internet with high levels of corporate control, such as invoices’ reconciliation, reports and analytics tools.

Don’t forget to press ‘recommend’ and give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Thanks!

