Queen Elizabeth, a Life to Celebrate Not a Death to Mourn

Angie Vincent
3 min readSep 9, 2022


‘I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.

Why has the death of Queen Elizabeth II touched so many people so deeply? Why are so many across the United Kingdom and indeed the world feeling so sad about the death of an elderly lady we did not personally know?

She was surely the most famous woman in the world. Her face graced banknotes, stamps, flags, and magazine covers. She visited all corners of the globe and she has appeared regularly on our TV screens throughout her 70 year reign. She was also our longest reigning monarch. Unless you are somewhere close to the age of 80 or above, you will have no experience or memory of any other monarch.

Apart from this fame she was a mother, a sister, a grandmother and a great grandmother. When the country was in turmoil, she was an unwavering source of stability and dependability. She grieved with us, and she celebrated with us. She cared for us. Perhaps it is because of all these things, we felt we knew her.

There have been many posts on social media with comments from those saying they are heartbroken at her death. I am not one of those. I admired her deeply, but she had a long, healthy and privileged life.

Although we will never truly know the details of her last days and hours, we are told she died peacefully. She was at her home in Scotland, a place she loved. She had at least some of her family with her and we can assume she had excellent care. She was 96. I like to think she knew she was in her last weeks and chose the place where she wanted to spend them. We know she was instrumental in planning her funeral and the arrangements around that. Unlike so many, she retained control, she had time to prepare for the end of her long and happy life.

Her death was a good death, which came at the end of a good life.

This is the kind of death we would wish for ourselves and our loved ones.

She lived a life of servitude. She was endlessly faithful throughout her 70 year reign to us, the people she promised to serve. Now her life on earth has ended, she is in the heavenly realms. If you are a person of faith you will believe she is with her God to whom she made those promises. She is with the God she served fearlessly with love and devotion.

I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God!’

So although I am sad for her family, and for the loss of an inspiring woman and her steadfast presence, I am not heartbroken.

Hers was a life well lived, and for that we should celebrate and not mourn.



Angie Vincent

Lover of words, will never be found without a book about her person. Writer, Nurse, Blogger. Writes about reading, writing and, wellbeing sometimes altogether .