Angie Ziegler
1 min readJan 24, 2017


This is exactly what media does if you haven’t realized it yet. They generalize all the protestors and put them in the same category as rioters.

One of ever 1000 person is a rioter. So not all of us are bad.

Get more educated on that subject to speak on it. Media distorts peaceful protests bc they want us to ALL look the same. Which we aren’t.

You do know that Trump signed an anti abortion executive letter that isn’t even, in totality, about abortion but just taking our funds away from woman around the world whom are in need of preventative and screenings bc they literally can not get jobs or can not afford no matter how much they try. This march was not about YOU. It was for woman who are not as privileged and who literally have no voice. It’s honestly selfish to say this March doesn’t speak for you bc it’s not about you. What it does say about you and many others is that they lack compassion where it’s needed.

