Netflix Clone in Flutter using BloC, GoRouter and TMDB

1 min readNov 6, 2022


The Project uses BloC package to manage the state and GoRouter for navigation. It use the awesome TMDB API to fetch the needed tv shows and movie data.

The main purpose of this project is to demonstrate the usage of BloC and GoRouter combined but even more to demonstrate Slivers usage in Flutter. It heavily depends on Slivers, like CustomScrollView, SliverList, GridView, SliverAppBar and even SliverPersistentHeader. It also has a BottomBarNavigation nicely implemented with GoRouter’s ShellRoute. Apart from that it uses Hero Widgets in order to animate a simple small transition when moving from Home -> Tv Shows.

It contains various screens like Profile Selection, Home, New & Hot, Movie and Tv Show Details Page.

Apart from that the project implements custom App Icon and Splash Screen and on Android it uses the new Android 12 API for showing Splash screen.

You can check the source code here:

And if you want to have a quick look you can install the apk located in the Releases section:

