Angry Apes Society Vision

11 min readNov 8, 2022


Hello fellow angry citizen. We are happy that you landed here and if you’d like to take a moment to read through our vision for the project, we are most certain that you will understand what we want to accomplish, and you will desire to become one of us because this is not your usual project roadmap that we are all sick of seeing over and over again.

But before we move on, we would like to explain why we chose the name “Angry Apes Society” and why we think you will relate to and identify with it.

Angry — everyone is angry at something, whether it’s the economy, wars, climate changes or politics, we all get angry about something every day. However, some people can be nice and do good even when upset so this is our purpose: to get together and talk about issues that impact our lives and, who knows, maybe try and make a change.

Apes — humans are all more or less the same. Always trying to replicate whatever it is that others have in order to fulfill the desire of being their equals and not being left behind. In our vision, apes best reflect our mission of bringing together people with the common goal of making a change.

Society — We are not only a community or an exclusive club for a PFP project. We dream to become more than that, therefore society is the best word to describe the image that we hold. We have the same goals, the same purpose and we will let our voices be heard and we will strive to turn the narrative as we want, as long as we stick together as a wider society and not a mere gated community.

We see the Angry Apes Society as the next major project that can be born in the NFT space and become mainstream. Yes, this sounds like a fantasy but at the same time we like to be different, and we really know what we must do to get to where we want to be. Society always comes first!

You may ask yourself what makes us different from other projects…

1. We come from a business environment, and we will run the project as a business, not just an PFP project. One of the reasons why projects often fail is that most creators don’t know how to run a business. Sure, hype and Fiverr art will make money for the project creator, but it will not be sustainable in the long run and the project will end up in a slow rug.

2. We want to come up with ways to reward our holders; not make them bag holders. For example, free unique merch and physical goods that our holders will not have to pay for because they hold our NFT. Another way is to setup a website such as micro-workers, available only for holders and financially rewarding them for small jobs (tweets, etc.) and this will be 100% legal and not a security.

3. We are not here to sell our soul for money. We don’t want to create fake hype and use fake bots to pump up the project so in order to sell it out. Fake bots and fake influencers can’t build an ecosystem and a long-term project. Everything should come naturally and based on people’s understanding and appreciation of our project.

4. Society is always first and a society is strong when there is good communication. We can’t move forward if we don’t keep in touch with the society that we are working on building and that is happening behind the scenes. Sure, it does not mean that we will every day be active on social media, but a weekly report at least will be released, and we will be very easily accessible and always available for our clients. Holders loyalty is earned by conveying the mission of our project and this can only be achieved with good communication.

5. We are a society and thus we will get involved in charity and causes that have a personal impact on us, however we don’t plan on ever using this as a marketing tool. It is embarrassing and unethical for anyone to use someone else’s suffering for their own benefit and we are against these marketing methods. If you want to help out anyone that you think is in need, we encourage you to donate directly instead of supporting ‘charities’ and projects that are only taking advantage of your kind hearts and other people’s despair. We believe in doing good and we will do our part, but we will announce it only when relevant and whenever it cannot impact our project in whatever way.

6. We picked as our minting platform of choice; we went for Fair due to its multitude of benefits. First and foremost, as the name suggests, it makes minting fair for everyone, and it has lots of features that makes the minting process smooth. Also, most importantly, it requires the verification of creators before releasing a collection, proving that we really are planning on making the business last for as long as we can.

7. Whitelist overallocation is a trend nowadays and we can see this happen with a lot of projects. This is another thing that is hurting the space. A whitelist is to guarantee the ability to mint, but when overallocations come into equation, it turns into bullying people who support the project and wish to mint. We will not over allocate the project no matter what because we respect people who want to support us.

Now that we have highlighted a few points about what makes us different, we want you to take a look at what makes this project a successful idea.

We’re sure you must be tired of all the roadmaps that promise prizes, merch and a future airdrop at 100% mint but in the end all you got is a bag to hold. We hate it and we see this happen a lot and we have decided to take a different approach. We don’t make a standard roadmap but we present you our vision for the project, and with your help, we can make it happen but before we move on, we have to explain something. The value of every project is in the community not in the floor price. Floor price is just a metric that is dictated by the demand.

Our business model is focused around branding, creativity and education. Our intellectual property will be built around our art and story line, because, as mentioned before, this is more than a PFP project and our main focus is delivering value to our society members; if offered value, then we will get demand.

Branding is the part that will make our project be known and desired by people.

· Detailed art — the level of details that we have in our art speaks for itself. We will be easily recognizable because we are perfectionists, and we want the final product to represent the NFT space with pride.

· Collaborations — collabs with other projects is what everyone is doing right now and it’s working quite well, but we need more people within the space, and we have crazy ideas about how to make this happen. We can’t spoil everything now, but we have thought outside the box on this matter, and we will work a lot to get the collabs that we want with companies that are not yet involved in web3.

· Merchandise — every project is creating merch because it is something that brings awareness of businesses and it’s also cool. We believe that anyone who is willing to invest on a project, should be entitled to be rewarded; they should not pay more money to get merch from the project. Sadly we can’t make this from the start because our mint price is too small to cover this but is something that we consider for the future. But we want to give everyone the opportunity to buy our non-exclusive merch. As part of our branding strategy, we want to bring our merch to the masses.

· Charity — a society is where members are always looking out for one another and get involved in all the major issues whenever possible. We don’t want to go into much detail about what where we’re standing on this matter because this is not something that can be used as a selling point.

Creativity is our strong point! That is where we exceed and where we feel that we have the ability to bring around a major plus for the NFT space. We will come up with lots of ideas that will help us to reward our holders and members when implemented. One thing that’s worth mentioning, is that everything that we will tackle within the creative realm will be built by inhouse staff.

· Fiction books — everything has to start with a story, and we already know where we are staring with it; it is now only a matter of developing and expanding on the idea. The most important part is that we surround ourselves with talented people who are helping us turn ideas into reality.

· Comic books — we all love comic books and they play an important role in our ecosystem. And when we talk about comic books, we don’t only mean NFT’s, but hard copies too that will make the connection between web2 and web3 within our ecosystem.

· Animation videos — this is a no brainer move, since we go after fiction storytelling and comic books, we have all the materials to pursue this and to bring characters to life.

Education is important and we think that this will help us attract more people to the NFT space. Our society will be a fountain of information and knowledge and it will aid others by providing all the information that we can gather. All our education material will be free, but at the same time they will bring us revenue from advertisement, and most important, they will keep our project relevant.

· E-books — Short tutorials, interviews and infographics that can be transcribed into e-books (pdf) to help newcomers stay safe and understand better the NFT/crypto space.

· Videos — Interviews, tutorials and explainers about NFT/crypto space.

· Newspaper — This is something that every project needs. Not just a website, but a real newspaper that keeps people up to date with the news.

Our short-term and long-term view is to setup a solid base for our universe, work our way up and keep building. Only a few projects are focused on the link between web2 and web3, therefore we can say that it is currently a gap in the market that we have found. The reality is that web3 would not have existed and would not have had value if it weren’t for web2 being involved.

Short term goals after collection release (3–6 months)

- Expand the creative team for digital and merch

- Setup inhouse PR and educational team

- Release issue nr1 of comic book

- Release first exclusive and non-exclusive merch

- Collaborations with medium web2 companies

Long term goals after collection release (6–12 months)

- Release first fiction book

- Release second NFT collection that includes characters from the Angry Apes Society universe

- Collaborations with big web2 companies

- Expand creative and educational department

  • We really like to play games so who knows

We can’t end this without talking a little about the art.

One thing that made us want to start this project was the existing art on the space. Let’s face it, there are so many projects that focus on hype and forget that in the end, art is the first pillar for a successful project.

Our initial focus was to have quality art and after working last months on this, we can finally say that we are more than happy with the results. From the start we knew that an artist needs to be part of the project in order to have the best results. No fiver, no freelancers, but real artists that live for art and like to create digital and physical art, such as paintings. We believe that in-house artistry is the way to go for a long-term project, given how rewarding original creations can be.

Let’s talk a little about the traits and what we want to express. Traits are a big role in the project because we wanted to bring about a new vibe and not to just copy off what’s been already done before. Sure, you can get 1 million unique combinations with 100 different total traits but in the end, everything will look similar. So far, we have more than 300 unique traits because we want every ape to have its own identity.

Most of the projects combine mouth and eyes so they can get unique facial expression. If we take BAYC as an example for facial expressions, they have 56 traits, 33 mouths and 23 eyes. In order to best convey how far we arrived with this, we managed to get over 100 traits by only combining eyes and mouth in a single facial trait.

Our collection will include ten special unique 1/1 images and these will represent our view on some of the world’s greatest personalities. We don’t want to spoil everything, but two of these personalities so far are Elvis Presley and Albert Einstein.

What we think about the current state of the space

We have a lot of bad actors in the space, from creators to influencers that push their agenda to take advantage and make money. We see a lot of bad practice in the space, and this is hurting everyone in the long run. We have marketplaces that cut or make projects royalties to zero for their own benefit and we will not argue at this point if this is fair or not, but this creates a disruption on the NFT space. In the end you are forced to be for or against these but no matter what you choose, you will always be the bad guy for the opposite party.

As we said before, education plays a big role in the future of the space. If we don’t invest time and money on educating people to understand the space better, the NFT’s will not be around for much longer. New trends appear every day and information is what will help us move forward. It’s time for people that support the projects to look for quality and not quantity and we want to take part in the process of helping people to stay away from projects that harm the space.

We appreciate what BAYC have done and keep doing for the space; they are one of the few big projects that stimulate the growth of the space. They have a huge community, and this is because they started off as a simple project and rose on the way. They started small, minting in one week, anon team, not the best roadmap, but they became successful because they kept working on the project and they were not pressured into doing things overnight. Sure, they were lucky to get attention from big influencers and to have released the project during the most favorable time for NFT’s, but this does not take away the credit that the BAYC team deserves. We talk about this because we should stop aspiring for things to happen overnight. It’s not possible and it’s not how things work in real life. Building something great needs time and because of that we ask you to join us in our adventure and be part of our society when we take off.

Thanks, Angry Apes Society team!

