Detective Suzuki : Erawan Shrine

Angry Oval Egg
6 min readJun 21, 2024


Dudes and Satomi

Detective Satomi Suzuki sat at her cluttered desk, the morning sun casting long shadows across the room. Beside her, a sleek and compact device, affectionately named “Dude the DNA Computer,” hummed quietly. This advanced piece of technology, a marvel of bioinformatics and quantum computing, was her secret weapon in tackling the most complex cases.

Satomi powered up Dude, and the holographic interface sprang to life, displaying a series of intricate DNA helixes and encrypted data streams. She began typing, opening a secure chat window specifically designed for this hybrid computer.

Satomi: Dude, initiate secure chat protocol. I need to discuss the Erawan Shrine bombing case.

The screen flickered, and the AI’s synthesized voice responded.

Dude: Secure chat protocol initiated. How can I assist you, Detective Suzuki?

Satomi: I’ve been reviewing the data from the crime scene. There are too many variables and not enough leads. We need to process the DNA samples collected from the site and cross-reference them with our database.

Dude: Understood. Uploading DNA profiles now. Shall we integrate real-time surveillance data and cross-check with known suspects?

Satomi: Yes. And I want to delve into the digital footprint as well. Start with the metadata from social media posts around the time of the bombing, and cross-reference any mentions of ‘phaa raang.’

Dude: Commencing data integration. This will take a moment.


As the DNA Computer processed the complex web of genetic information, digital traces, and surveillance footage, Satomi leaned back, her mind racing through the possibilities. She was determined to uncover the truth behind the devastating attack and bring the culprits to justice.

Dude: Initial results are in. There’s a significant match with a known associate of ‘phaa raang.’ Cross-referencing with your previous case files indicates a possible link to human trafficking networks.

Satomi’s eyes narrowed. This was the breakthrough she needed. With Dude’s unparalleled computational power and her own investigative prowess, they were on the cusp of unraveling a conspiracy that stretched far beyond the shrine bombing.

Satomi: Excellent. Compile the findings into a comprehensive report. We’re going to bring these shadows into the light.

The DNA Computer’s holographic display continued to churn through data, each flicker bringing Satomi closer to the truth. This was no ordinary case, and with Dude by her side, she was ready to face whatever dark secrets awaited her.


The image appears to be related to a bomb attack at the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, Thailand. Here are the key elements extracted from the photo and related to the event:

1. Location: Erawan Shrine, Bangkok, Thailand.

2. Incident: Bombing at the Erawan Shrine.

3. Details from the image:

  • Backpack left beside concrete post: Indicates where the bomb was placed.
  • CCTV footage: Shows the suspect removing a backpack, which is suspected to contain the bomb.

4. Date: The bombing occurred on August 17, 2015.

5. Casualties: The attack resulted in numerous casualties, with several people killed and many more injured.

6. Suspect: The image points out the suspect who left the backpack at the scene.

7. Response: The attack led to an extensive investigation by Thai authorities, involving reviewing CCTV footage and seeking international assistance.

This incident was a significant event, resulting in increased security measures in Bangkok and extensive media coverage globally.


The person in the image is suspected to be involved in the Erawan Shrine bombing in Bangkok, Thailand. The following details and metrics help identify and provide context about this individual:

1. Visual Identification:

  • The person is seen wearing a yellow T-shirt with a distinctive print, dark shorts, and glasses.
  • This matches the widely circulated CCTV footage of the suspect involved in the Erawan Shrine bombing.

2. Contextual Clues:

  • The suspect was seen carrying a backpack, which was later left at the shrine site.
  • This aligns with the description of the suspect in the bombing incident, where the backpack contained the explosive device.

3. Event Specifics:

  • The bombing took place on August 17, 2015, and resulted in significant casualties.
  • The suspect’s actions were captured by multiple CCTV cameras around the area.

4. Investigation Reports:

  • Thai authorities released these images as part of their investigation to identify and apprehend the suspect.
  • The suspect was later identified as a foreign national, and the images were crucial in leading to his capture.

5. Media Coverage:

  • The images were disseminated by various news outlets globally, highlighting the search for the suspect and the details of the attack.
  • These factors collectively confirm that the person in the image is the suspect linked to the Erawan Shrine bombing. The distinct clothing, captured movements, and context of the CCTV footage play a critical role in this identification.

The person in the photofit (composite sketch) is the suspect wanted in connection with the Erawan Shrine bombing in Bangkok, Thailand. This composite image was created based on CCTV footage and witness descriptions.

Details about the person:

1. Incident: Erawan Shrine bombing on August 17, 2015.

2. Suspect Description:

  • Male, wearing glasses.
  • Medium build, with dark hair.

3. Actions:

  • Seen in CCTV footage placing a backpack at the shrine, which contained the explosive device.

4. Investigation:

  • The Thai police released this sketch to help identify and capture the suspect.
  • The suspect was later identified as Adem Karadag (also known as Bilal Mohammed), a foreign national. He was arrested in connection with the bombing.

Metrics used for identification:

1. CCTV Footage:

  • Multiple angles and timestamps helped in tracking the suspect’s movements.

2. Witness Testimonies:

  • Descriptions provided by people present at the scene contributed to the creation of the photofit.

3. Forensic Analysis:

  • Analyzing physical features and matching them with available records and databases.

4. Public and Media Input:

  • Dissemination of the sketch in the media helped gather additional information and leads.

The photofit played a crucial role in the investigation by providing a visual representation of the suspect, aiding both the authorities and the public in the search efforts.

Is the person in yellow T-shirt with a distinctive print, dark shorts, and glasses the same person in the photofit?

Yes, the person in the yellow T-shirt with a distinctive print, dark shorts, and glasses seen in the CCTV footage is the same person depicted in the photofit. Both images are related to the suspect in the Erawan Shrine bombing in Bangkok, Thailand. Here’s the reasoning:

1. Clothing and Appearance:

  • The CCTV footage captures the suspect wearing a yellow T-shirt, dark shorts, and glasses, which matches the description provided by witnesses and captured by the cameras.
  • The photofit also shows a person with glasses and similar facial features.

2. Context of Release:

  • Both the CCTV footage and the photofit were released by Thai authorities during their investigation of the Erawan Shrine bombing.
  • The photofit was created based on the CCTV footage and witness descriptions to aid in identifying and capturing the suspect.

3. Investigation Confirmation:

  • The suspect, later identified as Adem Karadag (Bilal Mohammed), was found to match both the appearance in the CCTV footage and the photofit.

4. Media and Police Reports:

  • Media reports and police statements have confirmed that the person in the yellow T-shirt from the CCTV footage and the person in the photofit are the same individual suspected in the bombing.

These points confirm that the person seen in the yellow T-shirt in the CCTV footage is indeed the same person as the one depicted in the photofit released by the authorities

