The Enfant TerriblePolitics offers up a range of sorry specimens — the disgraced former minister, the oleaginous adviser, the corrupt grandee — and yet few…May 19, 20181May 19, 20181
Slurring your speechWhen I try to define what a slur is, I usually recall two stories: One is about my grandfather, a brown-skinned Nicaraguan mestizo, and how…May 14, 2018May 14, 2018
The Least Favourite ChildMarina Silva is almost invariably described as frail; it is as though she is defined not by the things that she achieved, though they have…May 7, 2018May 7, 2018
A fine actor“The stage lost a fine actor when he became a specialist in crime”, Watson would bemoan about his partner Sherlock Holmes choosing a life…Apr 10, 2018Apr 10, 2018
HealingThere was always something inherently creepy about medication to me. We were taught to be suspicious of it. My family often discussed it as…Jan 12, 2018Jan 12, 2018
Looking awayThe first time there’s shock, then indignation, then the sense of injustice. The second time, the cycle goes on again, except slightly…Nov 6, 2017Nov 6, 2017
Speaking the language of violence: Elite Squad ten years onIt makes sense to think of Elite Squad less like a movie and more like a language: one day, ten years ago, people in the country were…Oct 15, 20171Oct 15, 20171
Oh, Mother where art thou?You know this story, because it’s every story: an orphan — most likely an orphan boy because stories are usually about boys — is different…Oct 1, 2017Oct 1, 2017
And the lady vanishesWhen I was at the start of my depression, I had one same obsessive thought every night: I pictured my sister’s life without me. I pictured…Sep 24, 2017Sep 24, 2017
An Apocalyptical AnxietyWe as humans are historically fascinated with the apocalypse; we love it so much that we come up with several myths and stories to explain…Sep 6, 2017Sep 6, 2017