Jakhmola Anhad
6 min readOct 18, 2023


All eyes were on the visit of the President of the United States as Joe Biden arrived to Tel Aviv and in a show of solidarity, repeated his position in a complete support to the Zionist State of Israel. While this was a no — brainer, what was unpredictable for some was his opinion on the bombing of the Baptist church a few hours before his arrival in the North of Gaza. Much of the Arab world and most nations in support of Palestine have accused the Israeli Defence Forces for killing patients in that hospital. While the IDF rejected and showed some proof that was countered by Hamas, Biden in unequivocal terms, said he believes Israel had no hand in it, the other side did. When asked by a journalist what made him say that, he replied that his defence team showed him the data.

Given the kind of situation that was before and after this dastardly incident, it’s safe to say, Biden and his advisors played it closely and safely. While making sure their commitment doesn’t dial down for Israel, he also said not to let hate consume the ordinary Israeli against Palestinians. He announced 100 million for Gaza and the West Bank. A visit which would have been the American response to Putin’s engagement was cut short after Jordan, Palestine and Egypt canceled the summit that was to be held after his visit to Israel. So it ultimately sent the message that while America had to face some sort of anger or resentment, they kept their stance crystal clear. Israel, while thanking the American support, also stated that they agreed to the passage of aid via the Rafa checkpoint of Egypt.

In addition, a recent update says that the IDF has issued a statement that Israel is ready for a ground invasion and this was conveyed to Biden by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Egypt, while accusing Israel of the attack in Gaza, also added that any attempt to displace Palestinians to Egypt will amount to a declaration of war by Israel. This threat also came from the Kingdom of Jordan as well. Much of the anger and protest has been present on the streets of most Islamic nations present in the West Asian peninsula. So much that the US Consulate in Adana, Turkey has shut down indefinitely due to threats to it from these protests. Visuals of a Turkish crowd vandalisng McDonald outlets was also shared yesterday. As many understand that the fast food joint plays a cultural effect of American soft power, this was not a surprise.

Given the circumstances, it is easier said that done when someone talks about a need to bring a ceasefire here, there is an obvious retardation that follows. It’s almost like nobody wants this war to actually end. Egypt claimed why can’t Israel send these Palestinians to the desert of Negev? An opinion online said that the Palestinians are actually not considered worth living. They are simply the Rohangyias of the Middle East / West Asia. The popular culture means that everyone wants to speak for them and their life but not actually help them. In short, a mere tool in the hands of vested interests.

Germany’s Olaf Scholz had a torrid time while leaving Israel as sirens blew and he had to be evacuated from his own jet. Regardless, a special forces team from Germany has been stationed in Cyprus to possibly help and rescue the hostages from Hamas. It’s important to note that the UN Secretary General, Gutierrez has repeated requested both Israel and Hamas to adhere to humanitarian law, release of hostages and not target the innocents. A few experts feel this war came at the time when both Saudi Arabia was having improvement in ties with Iran and Israel. The notion was challenged and hence, enough strife has followed since then. Saudi Arabia meanwhile has asked its citizens to immediately leave Lebanon in the wake that an ongoing conflict can spread beyond Gaza and the West Bank.

Another resolution in the UNSC regarding this issue was vetoed by the United States. The Brazilian resolution of the UN Security Council to cancel Israel’s evacuation orders for Palestinian residents of Gaza to the south.

— 🗳✅ 12 votes in favor
— 🗳❌1 Against (USA)
— 🗳🤷‍♂️ 2 Abstentions (UK and Russia)

Russia also asked for an objective investigation into the claims of both Israel and Hamas when they accused each other of the attack. I see a direct similarity between the Bucha incident and this. In both such events, the two sides involved had denied their role and posted evidence of accusing the other and absolve themselves. Both incidents have been seen as a moment of aggressive expansion of respective conflicts. The only difference here is most Arab, Islamic majority nations in someway or the other already accepted the role of Israel in this attack and perhaps if it isn’t the truth, they will be a distance away from believing it.

Israel while releasing its evidence not only pointed fingers at Hamas but also noted the missfired rocket from behind the hospital by the Palestine Islamic Jihad Movement. Much like the Hamas of the 80s, the PIJM is a militant / terrorist group that believes in non- democratic ways to fix the situation between Israel and Palestine. What Hamas was to the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PIJM is to Hamas. There are reports of Hamas even requesting them to not target innocent Israeli citizens at times coming at odds with them on their methods but much of that is ignored by them. They have their own weapon depot and it is said that the PIJM is supported and trained by Iran as well. It’s a weird coincidence but it us existing as we see it. The conflict will change a lot and Hamas, which promised a better system than the PLO and the Fatah, might find its own challenger in another group inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s important to note that Hamas and Fattah have had bloody internal clashes in the past and repeated ceasefire agreements as well.

Does this war actually hit the Israelis more or the Saudis? The Saudi relevance in the West Asian region has always been challenged before by the likes of Qatar and UAE in terms of business. But it is Iran that holds the real cards. With dozen groups like the well- trained Hezbollah and other Shia and Sunni Rebels aligned or indirectly working in its beck and call, the Saudi position as a global power remained undermined completely. It is even evident here in this conflict as Iran repeatedly calls the shots, meeting leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah. Hezbollah has been targeting Israel since the war began and while the Saudis have maintained a reasonable balance in their condemnation unlike their Iranian counterparts, they have yet to even condemn the kind of statements made from Tehran. One wonders if it is their complexity or their hapless situation as the leader of the Arab world and even wanting to step out of regressive systems and potentially warding off other types of investments in the kingdom. This domino won’t stop here. More to come next.



Jakhmola Anhad

Hopelessly romantic but unapologetically Hindu. Passion for politics, International relations and history. Master Of Chaos 🃏