Best Security Plugins For Your WordPress Website

Anh Tran
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2018

Being the most popular Content Management System for over 28% of the total website, WordPress is also one of the biggest victims of unethical hacking. Hackers around the globe constantly try to crack the security of WordPress websites. This post is not about how you can secure your WordPress website but it is the means that can help you in securing your WordPress website. In this post, you’ll get a list of the best WordPress security plugins that will enhance your website’s security in 2018.

I didn’t come up with this list from random Google search. This is a list recommended by the WordPress experts all around the world.

How Your WordPress Websites Get Hacked?

To solve a problem, you need to understand the main cause behind it. How can someone enter your WordPress website? There are many reasons for that. Let’s have a look at those reasons.

  • Weak passwords
  • File permissions
  • User permissions
  • FTP vulnerabilities
  • Your computer security
  • Security of WordPress plugins
  • Theme security
  • Security of WordPress database
  • Other WordPress themes and plugins

Never Rely On WordPress Security Plugins Only

Apart from having a WordPress security plugin you need to make sure that you do these tasks as well.

  • Keep your WordPress themes and plugins up to date
  • Always choose a good website hosting company
  • Make use of secure and strong passwords
  • Always keep a backup of your WordPress website
  • Never download WordPress plugins and themes from untrusted sources
  • Keep a close eye on user permissions of your WordPress website
  • Make sure that your computer is safe and secure.

Now let’s get to the list of top WordPress plugins that will assure the security of your website in 2018. Let’s get you started.

Best WordPress Security Plugins

iThemes Security

iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security)

The iThemes Security is formerly known as Better WP Security. Many experts believe that this free WordPress security plugin is the best and the easiest way to monitor your WordPress website security. Its one click action is the most notable function which ensures the entire security of your WordPress website. Let’s have a look, what features this incredible security plugin have for you:

  • If there are any vulnerabilities issues on your website then it will catch it with a single scan and fix the issue in seconds
  • Easy to resist notorious users, hosts and bots
  • Enhance your server’s security
  • You can assign passwords to your accounts that are strong

The paid version of this security plugin is little more awesome than the free one. It gives you additional features with an extra mobile app, Authenticator. It is a two-factor authenticator. Let’s see its top features:

  • Hasslefree update for WordPress keys and salt
  • Easy to schedule a malware scan
  • A widget in the dashboard to manage all the security of your WordPress.
  • Strong password generator directly from profile screen


Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

WordFence is a popular and arguably the best security plugin for WordPress. Currently, this plugin has over 2 million active installs. These figures tell the level of reliability of this incredible WordPress security plugin.

You can view live traffic updates in real time and any hack attempts over your website. The best part of this WordPress security plugin is that it is multisite compatible and also lets you include mobile sign in. This way you can save your WordPress from any sort of brute force attack.

You can block renowned attackers. In addition to that, you can also block an entire malicious network that can be a threat to your website. It also includes two-factor authentication.

Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening

If you want to audit, scan and harden the security of your website, Sucuri Security suite is your best bet. Let’s have a look at the key features of Sucuri Security.

  • You can easily check all the changes made on your website with the feature of audit logging.
  • You can check whether the file of your WordPress database is secure or not with integrity monitor.
  • If there is a key problem with the security of your website, then it caters a strong malware scanner.
  • It can assist your website in order to remove from Google’s blacklist.

The Sucuri team is highly professional and the quality of services is exceptionally good.

Over To You

So, these WordPress security plugins are the best bet for your WordPress website security in 2018. They will protect you from all kinds of malicious activities. I hope you like this post. Let me know your thoughts via the comments section.

Originally published at GretaThemes.



Anh Tran

A WordPress and web developer. Lead developer of Meta Box plugin for WordPress and premium theme shop GretaThemes.