One Word!

Ania Kozlowska-Archer
Sunshine Inspired Designs
3 min readJan 1, 2019

Don’t compare. Don’t compete. Just create.

Every year at the end of December I decide on one word that will guide me throughout the year and help me stay on track with the intention I have for that year.

I’ve been trying to come up with my word for over a week now and all the words I brainstormed didn’t felt right until I saw the words above pop up on my phone in a notification from a mindfulness app I use (Eternal Sunshine). As soon as I saw it I knew that my word for this year must be CREATE! I couldn’t believe that I have not realized that this is the one word for me this year.

Using one word over the years helped me to grow as a person, business owner, and artist. This one word can be used in any aspect of your life, it is such a powerful tool when you don’t know which direction you should go.

If you don’t have your one word I encourage you to take some time to brainstorm and pick one and see what happens over the year. When you pick your world make sure to write it down or print it out and place it somewhere you can see it every day! on a bathroom mirror, on your office wall or on your phone or laptop screen! Mine is hanging in my office on my photo board!

Here are some tips to help you out to pick your word:

  1. Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen in a quiet space where you’re not going to be interrupted

2. Ask yourself this question: Who I want to be? and if you want to go a little bit deeper you can ask these questions as well:

  • What is my vision for my life this year?
  • If I achieved one goal next year that would make me feel like I accomplished something great, what would that goal be?

3. Sum up what you want in 1 paragraph, about 5 sentences total. Make it personal, specific, and important.

4. Now make a list of words that can describe the characteristic of the person or goal you want to reach.

5. From the list of words pick 2 or 3 words that resonate with you the most.

6. Now it’s the time to dig into each word.

  • Write down how each of the words makes you feel?
  • What does each one word mean to you?
  • How would your life be better if this word guided you throughout the year?

7. Based on your brainstorming session pick your one word!

Have a wonderful New Years!


