Introducing Anibear Space Channels & Activation of Exclusive Content
Happy holidays from the Anicube team!
In celebration of the holiday season, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new, exclusive channels for Anibear holders under the “Anibear Space” category in the Anicube Discord server!
The doors to our new space will open on January 2nd, 11:00 AM KST. We encourage you to verify your assets before then, but the channels will only be available for access at the date/time listed above.
Entering the Anibear Space means you get access to exclusive, never-before-seen content from your favourite Cube artists. These contents have been carefully selected and set aside for Anibear holders only. See your artists under a different light, and share your excitement for K-pop with other holders and fans!
Please note that only verified, Anibear holders will have access to the exclusive channels & content in the Anicube Discord server. The channels are token-gated, meaning they will only appear for users who have verified ownership of the token or digital collectible required for entry.
You can think of the tokens as special keys that open the doors to our space!
What if I’m not a holder?
If you aren’t a holder yet, don’t worry, you still have time to join the club!
Pick up your Anibear/digital collectible from the secondary market on Opensea:
We have quite a few Anibears on the secondary market that are waiting to find new homes!
We’ve also received questions on whether we’ll sell more Anibear digital collectibles in the future. The answer is yes, we most definitely will! The first batch of Anibears has been successfully minted and delivered to their owners, and the date of the second batch sale of Anibear digital collectibles will be announced early next year.
Once you’ve adopted your Anibear, please take the time to verify that you are an Anibear holder on Discord.
How do I verify that I’m an Anibear holder?
Please take the following steps to verify your status. It should take at most 5 minutes to complete.
Step 1. Join the Anicube Discord Server & Verify your Account
Anicube Discord server:
Step 2. Enter the #collabland-join channel
The #collabland-join channel can be found on the left tab of the Anicube Discord server, just above the General chats.
Step 3. Verify using Collab.Land
Click the blue “Let’s go!” button to verify yourself using Collab.Land, a friendly bot that will help us confirm that you are an Anibear holder.
It’ll also verify any other Anicube digital collectibles you may own, so if you own a collectible from the Anicube Origin Collection or the Anicube Logo Collection, you’ll be granted Discord roles for those as well.
P.S: We hear there may be a special event in the works for holders that obtain all three Discord roles (Origin holder, Logo holder, Anibear holder)…
Step 4. Use the Custom Link to Connect Your Wallet
Collab.Land will generate a custom link for you to connect your wallet. Click on the “Connect Wallet” button below the instructions to continue.
Please read the instructions carefully before connecting, and practice keeping your digital collectibles and funds safe! The link will only be valid for 5 minutes.
Step 5. Connect your Wallet
Most of our users will connect to their MetaMask wallet, but if your Anibear is housed on a different wallet platform, feel free to connect it now. For this instructional guide, we will continue to verify using MetaMask.
Note: If you’ve previously verified your collectibles to the Anicube server using Collab.Land, you’ll be presented with a slightly different view.
Here, you can verify with existing wallets you’ve connected to the Anicube server or with a new wallet. For example, perhaps your Anibear digital collectible is kept in a separate wallet from your Anicube Logo digital collectible.
Step 6. Connecting with MetaMask — remember to connect the MetaMask wallet that holds your Anibear!
MetaMask will ask you to sign a message like the one below. Click the “Sign” button. Please ensure no funds are being spent; the message should state that it is read-only access.
Step 7. Success!
You’ll be presented with the following page if you’ve successfully connected your wallet. Close the window and return to the #collabland-join channel to check your role status — you should’ve been granted the Anibear holder role.
Step 8. Enjoy the Anibear Space
Now, say hi to your fellow members and enjoy the exclusive experience. Have fun!
Please note: The Anibear Space channels will open on January 2nd, 11:00 AM KST.
*If you have issues verifying your Anibear status, please get in touch with the admin team directly by creating a ticket in the #📤|ticket channel. We ask that you refrain from seeking help from anyone else but the Anicube admin, as it puts you at risk of sharing sensitive information. Please remember the Anicube team will never DM you directly.