Introduction to Tech

Avikky Codes
7 min readJul 12, 2023


Understanding Technology and its evolution

Technology is all around us. It is in our homes, our workplaces, and even in our pockets. But what exactly is technology? And how did it come to be so ubiquitous?

Tech as the word is popularly pronounced in the internet space is sometimes presumed to be a career path made only by programmers who sometimes people assume to be genius in maths, science, and computers, while that is true to some extent I beg to differ in the genius part.

Why? Because technically anyone can work in the technology industry, you don’t have to be a genius to work in Tech.

But I came to tell you today that Tech simply means Technology, sometimes a person who works in a technology industry can be referred to as a techie, (tech bro, or tech sis) popular in the Nigerian tech ecosystem.

In this article, we will explore what Tech is, the history of technology, the career paths associated with it, and its impact on society. We will also discuss some of the latest technological advancements and how they are changing our world.

Follow me let’s journey into The Tech Space ……..

So, what is technology? Simply put, technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It can be anything from a simple tool to a complex machine.

Technology has been around for centuries. The first humans used tools to help them hunt and gather food. Over time, technology has evolved and become more sophisticated.

The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in the history of technology. During this time, new machines were invented that revolutionized the way goods were produced. This led to a dramatic increase in the standard of living for many people.

In the 20th century, technology continued to advance at a rapid pace. The invention of the computer and the internet has had a profound impact on society. These technologies have made it possible for people to communicate with each other from all over the world. They have also made it possible for people to access information and entertainment on demand.

Today, technology is constantly evolving. New technologies are being developed all the time. It is hard to imagine what the future holds, but one thing is for sure: technology will continue to play a major role in our lives.

Here are some of the latest technological advancements and how they are changing our world:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to develop self-driving cars, facial recognition software, and virtual assistants.
  • 3D printing is being used to create custom-made products, such as prosthetic limbs and medical implants.
  • Blockchain technology is being used to create cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, and to track the provenance of goods.

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which technology is changing our world. It is an exciting time to be alive.

Technology has evolved over the years and has created so many industries and jobs in the last two decades.

Hence there is a lot of demand for people who possess the required skills to work in these new industries and jobs that have been crafted as a result of technological advancement.

You can say that the reason why Technology is ubiquitous is because it is constantly evolving hence new jobs are created as evolution is taking place.

The 20th century witnessed numerous technological advancements that revolutionized various aspects of human life. Here are some key technology evolutions and the new jobs they created:

1. Computers and Information Technology:


The development of electronic computers, starting with large mainframe machines to smaller and more powerful personal computers.

New Jobs created: Software developer, systems analyst, network administrator, IT consultant, web designer, data scientist, cybersecurity specialist, and many more.

2. Telecommunications:


Advancements in telecommunication infrastructure, including the rise of telephone networks, satellite communication, and the Internet.

New Jobs: Telecommunications technician, network engineer, telecommunication analyst, VoIP specialist, web developer, network architect, and more.

3. Aerospace and Aviation:


The progress in aviation technology, including the development of jet engines, commercial air travel, and space exploration.

New Jobs: Aerospace engineer, pilot, aviation technician, aerospace designer, astronaut, satellite engineer, and space mission specialist.

4. Medical Technology:


Breakthroughs in medical technology, such as X-rays, antibiotics, ultrasound, MRI, CT scans, artificial organs, and advancements in surgical techniques.

New Jobs created: Radiologist, biomedical engineer, medical imaging technician, medical device specialist, genetic counselor, bioinformatics analyst, and robotic surgeon.

5. Automobile Industry:


The evolution of automobiles, from the introduction of mass-produced vehicles to hybrid and electric cars.

New Jobs created: Automotive engineer, automotive technician, electric vehicle specialist, automotive designer, transportation analyst, autonomous vehicle engineer, and sustainability consultant.

6. Entertainment and Media:


The emergence of various entertainment technologies, including television, cinema, video games, and the internet led to digital streaming services and social media.

New Jobs created: Film director, cinematographer, video game developer, multimedia artist, social media manager, content creator, digital marketer, and virtual reality designer.

These examples represent only a fraction of the technological advancements and job opportunities that emerged in the 20th century. The rapid pace of technological development during this period continues to shape and redefine our society, even into the 21st century.

The 21st century(the century we are in) on the other hand has seen numerous significant technological advancements that have had a profound impact on our lives.

Let’s take a look at some notable advancements that are shaping our lives and the way we do things in today’s world. And also the jobs these advancement has created.

1. Mobile Technology and Smartphones:


Mobile technology has completely evolved over the last couple of years from Nokia and Blackberry leading the industry of mobile technology to the proliferation of smartphones with advanced capabilities, such as high-speed internet access, touchscreens, powerful processors, and a wide range of mobile applications.

This was possible because of the introduction of mobile operating systems like Android by Google and IOS by Apple.

Jobs created:

Mobile app developers. Mobile network engineers, UI/UX engineers, Product managers, Quality Assurance engineers, etc.

2. Internet of Things (IoT):


The interconnection of everyday objects, devices, and systems through the Internet, enables communication and data exchange between them, leading to increased automation and efficiency in various domains. Today we have smart homes and smart home appliances controlled over the internet.

Jobs created:

IoT System Engineers, IoT Software Developers, IoT solution architects, IoT Network Engineers. Embedded System Engineers.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI):


The development of AI technologies, including machine learning and deep learning algorithms, enables computers and systems to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous decision-making. The advent of Data language models such as chatGPT has really shaped the world of research and information technology.

Jobs created:

AI Trainer/Annotator, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Deep Learning Engineer, ChatBot Developer.

4. Cloud Computing:


The widespread adoption of cloud computing, allows storage, processing, and access to data and applications over the Internet, providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness for businesses and individuals.

Jobs created:

DevOps engineers, Server/Network Administrators, Cloud Solution Architects, Cloud Native engineers, Cloud engineers, Infrastructure engineers, Site Reliability Engineers.

5. Big Data and Data Analytics:


The ability to collect, store, and analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, leads to insights and patterns that drive decision-making, improve efficiency, and enable new business models.

Jobs created:

Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Data Mining Specialist, and Data Architect

6. Renewable Energy Technologies:


The advancements in renewable energy sources, such as solar power, wind energy, and energy storage solutions, led to increased sustainability, reduced reliance on fossil fuels, and the potential for a transition to a cleaner energy future.

Jobs created:

Renewable Energy Engineer, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Engineer, Wind Energy Engineer, Energy Storage Engineer Grid Integration Specialist, etc.

7. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies:


The emergence of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, provides secure and decentralized digital transactions, potentially disrupting traditional financial systems and enabling new decentralized applications.

Jobs created:

Blockchain Auditors, Blockchain Developers, Crypto Currencies Developers, Smart Contract developers

8. Virtual and Augmented Reality:


The development of immersive virtual and augmented reality technologies, offers new ways to experience and interact with digital content, transforming industries like gaming, education, healthcare, and design.

Jobs created:

VR and AR game developers, VR and AR UI/UX designers and VR/AR Hardware engineers, etc

These are just a few examples of the major technological evolutions in the 21st century. It’s important to note that technology continues to advance rapidly, and new breakthroughs are constantly emerging, shaping our future in ways we may not even anticipate yet.

If you made it this far reading this article I want to congratulate you.

Congratulation thus far, You are doing well.

All these jobs and career paths were created as a result of all these advancements in Technology over the years. You can research further to get more in-depth knowledge of these career paths and the job roles associated with them.

The second phase of this article is where we talk about the most popular tech careers in our present day, why are they popular, and the income that comes with these career paths.

Hang on let’s go on another interesting journey.

In no particular other, below is the list of the most popular Tech career path that is in-demand and has a high-income value.

  1. UI/UX Design (User interface design and User experience design)
  2. Software Engineering
  • Frontend engineering
  • Backend engineering
  • Cloud Engineering

3. Mobile Development

  • App development (android and ios)
  • Game development (android and ios)

4. Product management

5. Project management

6. Developer Advocacy

7. Technical Writers

8. UI/UX writers

9. Business Analyst

10. Quality Assurance Engineering (QA engineers)

List of Tech Roles and their global estimated average yearly income

Please note that the estimated yearly income for tech careers can vary significantly based on factors such as location, years of experience, company size, industry, and individual skills.

The figures provided below are general estimates and should be used as a rough guideline rather than definitive numbers.

Additionally, these estimates are based on the current job market trends according to my online research.

|Tech Roles |Average Yearly Income|

UI/UX Designer → $60,000 — $10,0000

Frontend Engineer → $70,000 — $130,000

Backend Engineer -> $80,000 — $150,000

Cloud Engineer → $90,000 — $150,000

Mobile App Developer (Android and iOS) → $70,000 — $130,000

Mobile Game Developer (Android and iOS) → $70,000 — $140,000

Product Manager → $90,000 — $150,000

Project Manager → $90,000 — $150,000

Developer Advocate → $80,000 — $150,000

Technical Writers → $60,000 — $100,000

UI/UX Writers → $50,000 — $120,000

Business Analyst → $70,000 — $120,0013

Quality Assurance Engineering (QA Engineers) → $60,000 — $110,000.



Avikky Codes

Fullstack Laravel-php developer, Cloud engineering Student AltSchool Africa.