Features Apple Didn’t Mention at the Presentation. Hidden iOS 18 Gems!

3 min read4 days ago

These small changes in iOS 18 by Apple will make using your iPhone easier and more enjoyable. I am really sure about that

1. Flashlight Upgrade: More Than Just Brightness

One of the subtle yet highly useful updates in iOS 18 is the global upgrade to the flashlight. You can now adjust not only the brightness but also the width of the light beam. This means you can have a focused beam for detailed tasks or a broader light for illuminating larger areas. This added flexibility can come in handy in a variety of situations, from reading in the dark to finding your way during a power outage.

2. Convenient Shutdown Button in Control Center

For those who often forget the button combination needed to turn off their iPhone ( I often forget a lot of time), Apple has added a shutdown button to the Control Center. This simple yet effective addition makes powering down your device more accessible. No more fumbling with buttons — just swipe to the Control Center and tap to shut down.

3. New Volume Change Animation

iOS 18 introduces a sleek new animation for changing the volume. This smooth and visually pleasing animation not only looks good but also hints at the seamless, touch-based interactions we can expect from future iPhone models.

4. Battery Optimization for Longevity

iOS 18 aims to help you get the most out of your iPhone’s battery. The system now analyzes your charging habits and device usage to recommend an optimal charging limit. This proactive approach can help prevent battery degradation over time, ensuring your iPhone remains charged and healthy for longer periods. It’s a smart solution for those who find their battery life dwindling faster than expected.

5. Improved Camera Functionality

The iPhone’s camera can now record video while music from any app continues to play. Previously, starting a video recording would pause any playing music. This enhancement allows you to create more dynamic and enjoyable video content without interrupting your music. Whether you’re capturing a moment at a party or shooting a casual vlog, your soundtrack can stay uninterrupted.

While the major features of iOS 18 have rightly garnered much attention, these lesser-known updates add significant value to the user experience. From improved flashlight functionality and a convenient shutdown button to smarter battery management and enhanced camera capabilities, these hidden gems are set to make using your iPhone even more enjoyable. Keep exploring iOS 18, and you might just uncover even more features that make your life easier.




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