Back to the Good Old Days: The Wild and Whimsical 90s Childhood Before the Internet
Growing up before the internet was a vastly different experience compared to today’s generation. We relied on more traditional ways of communication and entertainment, and had to find creative ways to spend our time. Looking back, there were many joys and unique experiences that we may have taken for granted. In this blog, I will delve into some of the most cherished memories of childhood before the internet, exploring how we spent our time and how it shaped us into who we are today.
One of the most significant differences between childhood then and now was the way we interacted with others. Before the internet, socializing meant spending time with family and friends in person. We would watch television together, laugh at the same jokes, and bond over shared experiences. Elders played a big role in our lives, and we would listen to their stories and learn from their wisdom. It was a time when playing with siblings was the norm, and making our own little blanket homes, forts, or tents was a source of endless amusement. It was also a time when elder ladies would gather together to work, chat and gossip, creating a sense of community and belonging.
Food was also an important aspect of our lives before the internet. We used to eat raw materials before cooking them, such as licking the cake batter or eating a handful of uncooked noodles. We also used to wait for our fathers to bring home food and relished every bite. It was a time when even the small things in life were taken care of with great care and affection.
Playing was a major part of our lives before the internet. It was a time when we felt happy and content with the simplest things, such as making an aeroplane out of a cardboard box or playing with water in the summer with our loved ones. We would play with lights in the dark and make different creatures, or engage in games like Raja Mantri Chor Sipahee, where being the chor was more fun than being the mantri. Name, Place, Animal, Thing was a popular game, and we would always try to come up with unique answers, especially for the difficult letters like Q and Z. Prankies and fake insect toys were a source of savage amusement, and throwing them on friends and classmates was the ultimate act of mischief.
School was a different experience altogether before the internet. Morning assemblies were all about singing the school anthem and trying to come up with excuses to skip it. If you got caught with those trump card packs in school, it was an instant hit among your peers. Back-benchers had a purpose, and we would often find ink stains on our shirts from peeking at our classmates' notebooks. If your name started with A, you always had to sit in the front during examinations. Sharing a single notebook between three subjects was a common practice, and it taught us the value of sharing and cooperation.
In conclusion, childhood before the internet was a simpler time, but it was filled with unique experiences and joys. It was a time when socializing meant spending time with loved ones in person, and playing was a way of life. We learned the value of sharing and cooperation, and how to find happiness in the simplest things. While the internet has made our lives easier in many ways, it has also taken us away from the joys of life that we once cherished. It is up to us to balance the convenience of the digital age with the experiences that make us human