Nexcess Vs Liquid Web: Where to Host Your Site?

Anil Vishwakarma
5 min readJun 3, 2024


In the ever-expanding world of the internet, the foundation of any good website is its hosting provider. Among the top contenders in the hosting world are Nexcess and Liquid Web, two names that often pop up in conversations around reliable, high-performance hosting solutions.

If you’re here, you’re likely grappling with the question of which one to choose. This guide will help you navigate this decision by comparing these two providers on various fronts: features, performance, support, pricing, and use cases.

By the end, you’ll have a clear picture of which host aligns with your needs. Plus use Nexcess Promo Codes, to make your decision even easier.

Nexcess Vs Liquid Web: Overview

When it comes to features, both Nexcess and Liquid Web bring a lot to the table, but they cater to slightly different audiences. If you’re looking to save some money on these services, keep an eye out for Nexcess Discount Codes, which can help you make the most out of your hosting experience.

About Nexcess

Nexcess is known for its robust managed hosting services, particularly for platforms like WordPress, Magento, and WooCommerce.

They offer automatic scaling, daily backups, and an intuitive dashboard that simplifies site management. Nexcess also includes built-in caching and a CDN (Content Delivery Network), ensuring your site runs smoothly and quickly.

About Liquid Web

Liquid Web, on the other hand, shines with its fully customizable dedicated servers and VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting. They provide a range of solutions from managed WooCommerce hosting to enterprise-level options.

Liquid Web also offers robust security features, including DDoS protection, SSL certificates, and integrated firewalls.

In terms of ease of use, Nexcess has the upper hand with its user-friendly interface and automated features. Liquid Web offers more flexibility and control, which might appeal to tech-savvy users who prefer to fine-tune their server settings.

Nexcess Vs Liquid Web: Performance & Speed

Performance is the backbone of any website’s success. Slow load times can drive visitors away, while downtime can cost you credibility and revenue.

Both Nexcess and Liquid Web boast impressive uptime guarantees of 99.99%, ensuring that your site remains accessible to visitors almost all the time. In real-world scenarios, users often report consistent uptime with minimal disruptions for both providers.

When it comes to speed, Nexcess leverages advanced caching mechanisms and a global CDN to deliver fast load times. This is particularly beneficial for e-commerce sites where speed directly impacts conversion rates.

Additionally, Nexcess’s optimized hosting for CMS platforms ensures that your site runs efficiently, even during high-traffic periods.

Liquid Web is no slouch, either. With data centers strategically located around the globe, they ensure that your site’s content is delivered quickly to users, no matter their location. Their high-performance SSD storage and proprietary server configurations also contribute to impressive load speeds.

A friend once shared how her online store’s performance dramatically improved after switching to Nexcess, citing quicker load times and a smoother checkout process.

Conversely, a colleague praised Liquid Web for its reliability during traffic spikes, especially when their marketing campaigns brought in thousands of visitors.

Nexcess Vs Liquid Web: Customer Support

No matter how advanced the technology, good customer support can make or break your experience with a web host. It’s the safety net that catches you when things go wrong.


Nexcess offers 24/7 customer support through phone, email, and live chat. They also have a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles and tutorials. Users often commend Nexcess for their swift and helpful responses, especially when dealing with urgent issues.

Liquid Web

Liquid Web takes pride in its ‘Heroic Support’ team, which is also available 24/7. They offer similar support channels — phone, email, and live chat — and have an extensive library of resources. What sets Liquid Web apart is its proactive monitoring, where it often resolves potential issues before you even notice them.

I recall a time when my friend’s website encountered a critical error during a major sale event. Nexcess’s support team not only fixed the issue promptly but also provided a detailed explanation, preventing future occurrences.

On the other hand, a small business owner I know had a fantastic experience with Liquid Web’s support, where they helped optimize her server settings, significantly improving site performance.

Nexcess Vs Liquid Web: Pricing Comparison

Understanding the pricing structures of web hosts is crucial to making an informed decision. Both Nexcess and Liquid Web offer a range of plans to suit different budgets and needs.


Nexcess plans are competitively priced, starting at around $19 per month for managed WordPress hosting. They offer various tiers based on your needs, with higher plans providing more resources and features. There are no hidden fees, and they often have discounts or promotions for new customers.

Liquid Web

Liquid Web tends to be on the pricier side, with entry-level plans starting at about $99 per month for VPS hosting. However, their plans are packed with premium features and resources, making them a worthwhile investment for those who need robust, high-performance hosting. Liquid Web also offers transparent pricing with no hidden costs.

When comparing value for money, it boils down to your specific needs. Nexcess provides excellent value for those seeking managed hosting solutions with a straightforward pricing model.

Liquid Web, while more expensive, offers unmatched performance and flexibility, justifying the higher cost for demanding users.

Nexcess vs Liquid Web: Which Should You Choose?

Choosing between Nexcess and Liquid Web depends largely on your specific needs and the nature of your website.


Nexcess is ideal for:

  • Small to medium-sized businesses looking for managed hosting solutions.
  • E-commerce sites using platforms like Magento or WooCommerce.
  • Bloggers and content creators who want hassle-free WordPress hosting.

Liquid Web

Liquid Web is better suited for:

  • Larger businesses or enterprises require dedicated servers or VPS hosting.
  • Websites experiencing high traffic and needing scalable solutions.
  • Tech-savvy users who prefer full control over their server environment.

For instance, an online boutique might thrive on Nexcess, benefiting from its optimized e-commerce features and reliable performance.

In contrast, a large-scale news portal with millions of daily visitors would find Liquid Web’s robust infrastructure and high customizability more suitable.

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Conclusion on Nexcess Vs Liquid Web

In the end, both Nexcess and Liquid Web are stellar choices in the web hosting arena, each with its unique strengths. Nexcess excels in providing user-friendly, managed hosting solutions, making it perfect for small to medium-sized businesses and individuals looking for a hassle-free experience.

Liquid Web, with its powerful infrastructure and extensive customization options, caters to larger businesses and those requiring top-tier performance and flexibility.

Have you used Nexcess or Liquid Web? Share your experiences in the comments below! Your insights could help others make their decision.

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Anil Vishwakarma

Devops Engineer | Co-Founder @DevOps Operator | Docker | Kubernetes | ArgoCD: GitOps | AWS | DevOps Tips & Guides | Helping Freshers and Professionals