3 min readMar 24, 2018

AI Doctor on the Blockchain

Though medical services have shown stellar improvements in treating many deadly diseases, the lack of penetration of technology has been a thorn in the flesh for the industry resulting in vast discrimination in availability of resources especially among developing and third world countries. One way of solving this problem is through blockchain and AI and by using crypto network which has been gaining momentum across continents.

What does AIDOC exactly do?

Offering you 24-hour health analysis from a digital medical expert capable of anticipating problems and prescribing solutions

It makes available the patient’s medical data and, on based on its AI system, provides a correct diagnosis in accordance with the current medical conditions in real time. The participants, such as industry professionals, medical resources and patients, are linked through, AIDOC chain, which is AIDOC’s intelligent medical value chain, and AIDOC chain basically integrates industry resources, improves the value of health data, and maximizes the value of participants on the chain.

AIDOC chain, which consists of four modules: security, authentication, intelligent network, and data storage, and serves for the AIDOC underlying layer.


Bit Digital Person, Life Bank and AI Doctor or AIDOC are the three-main pillars of AIDOC chain.

Bit Digital Person:

The process starts with uploading health information and vital signs by the patient on the system, through sensors, intelligent hardware and medical devices, and in return he/she will get certain coins in form of rewards and their purchases of medical services will consume coins. Once uploading and digitalization process are done, a profile is created, which is termed as Bit Digital Person.

Now the profile and all records are investigated by AI system, using algorithms that are based on the latest medical knowledge and diagnostic information. After this, a third-party doctor investigates the case and suggest a right diagnosis.

Life Bank

All medical data is stored in Life Bank, which is highly safeguarded with high privacy and encryption techniques. Here the data is impossible to be tampered and can easily accessible.

AI Doctor or AIDOC

AIDOC, it integrates intelligent diagnosis modules and the API interface and provides a person AI Doctor for medical services. For patients, AIDOC get real time health. Here the patients can use their tokens for diagnosis, health insurance and medical services. Insurance companies, based on data, can create insurance plans and pharma companies can use data stored at AIDOC to make their future product development strategy. While, technology companies can make better equipment based on the medical data. is the first technical service provider of AIDOC chain, and the modules currently deployed include image diagnosis, medical bills OCR, diabetic retinopathy screening, ECG monitoring, etc.

The company has created 7,77,777,777 AIDOC tokens, out of which 45% is for issuance, 35% sold via ICO and the rest (20%) are for the mining purpose.

AIDOC is already listed at 10 different exchanges which includes- Allcoin, BCEX, Huobi, OKEX, Bibox, Coinbene, Bit-Z, Coinegg, Coolcoin, BtcTrade.


