How To Create EC2 Instance In AWS

Anil kumar Sahoo
3 min readSep 13, 2020


Written by Anil Kumar Sahoo Fullstack developer.

In this article, we will learn about how to create an EC2 instance in Aws Account.

Ec2 Instance is nothing but a virtual server given by Amazon. It stands for Elastic Compute Cloud.

For this, you need an AWS account, if you don’t have an AWS account then create an AWS account, it is very simple and straight forward.

To create EC2 Resources and Launch Your EC2 Instance

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console
Aws management console

2. Click on the EC2 service. which is present under the Compute section.

All services menu

3. Click on the Launch Instance button to create a new instance.

4. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), in my case I am choosing Amazon Linux 2 AMI you can choose any other AMI. Click on the select button.

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

5. Choose an Instance Type, based on your requirement, then choose Next: Configure Instance Details.

6. Configure Instance Details

Here you have to provide the following information.

> Number of instances

> Network

> Subnet

> Auto-assign Public IP

If you have a Vpc then select that Vpc, otherwise you use the default Vpc. The same thing applies to the subnet. then choose Next: Add Storage.

Configure Instance Details

7. Add Storage based on your requirement add storage size.

Add Storage

8. Choose Next: Add Tags.

Hear you give a name to your instance and choose Next: Configure Security Group.

9. Configure Security Group

To assign a security group to an EC2 instance, you need to create a new security group or you can assign an existing security group. Then click Review and Launch.

10. Once you review your Launch Instance then Choose Launch.

11. Select the checkbox for the key pair that you created, and then choose Launch Instances.

You can see the launch status meanwhile.

Click on the ‘Instances’ option on the left pane where you can see the status of the instance as ‘Pending’ for a brief while.

Once your instance is up and running, you can see its status as ‘Running’ now.



Anil kumar Sahoo

Software Engineer(Web Development) passionate about Java