Top 5 Student Ambassador Programs for Students : Apply Here

9 min readAug 12, 2020


Student ambassador programs are a win for students and business alike. They offer opportunities to earn money, while doing activities you already enjoy, such as: interact with others on social media, talk about products you like, and participate in activities on Campus. Student Ambassadors need to market the company products and their technologies. Some companies will offer fixed stipend and some offer performance based stipend and some other companies will give Goodies to the Student Ambassadors.

Here is the full information about top 5 Student Ambassador Programs for the students. Happy reading , Lets go………….

1 . Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors program is the new program which was started on August 2020. In previously it will be called as Microsoft Student Partner (MSP). MLSA Program is offered by the one of the worlds leading tech company called Microsoft. The Global Program Director for the new MLSA program is the Pablo Veramendi.

Image : Showing the Home Page of MLSA website looks likes this

The MLSA program is a worldwide recognition program to sponsor students majoring in related to Microsoft Technologies. This program will enhance student’s employability by offering training skills not usually taught in academia.

Being an MLS Ambassador you are joining a global online network to collaborate with Leagues and technologies that you’re passionate about. You will be able to

  • Connect directly with experts and mentors at Microsoft.
  • Learn the skills that will help you land your dream job.
  • Earn recognition and build your reputation as a tech insider and leader.
  • Pay it forward by sharing your expertise, creating opportunities for other students, and making meaningful progress on issues — not just locally, but globally.

What are the Milestones and Perks for being a MLS Ambassador?

There are three milestones in MLSA program.That are :

Image : The three Milestones of MLSA Program
  • Alpha Student Ambassador

Student Ambassador that complete a learning path on Microsoft Learn earn the Alpha badge.

  1. USD 150 monthly Azure Credits
  2. Visual Studio Enterprise
  3. MCT Certification exam voucher
  4. Student domain name
  5. Tech smith Snagit and Camtasia software
  • Beta Student Ambassador

Students Ambassadors who plan and host an event for other students in their community will earn the beta badge.

  1. Alpha Benefits
  2. Swag
  3. Event Support
  4. Mentorship
  5. Access to Ambassadors Summit
  • Gold Student Ambassador

Student Ambassador who have gone above and beyond serving their local community will be invited to the Gold Milestones.

  1. Alpha and Beta Benefits
  2. Access special events and speaking engagements
  3. Program Leadership opportunities
  4. Participate in pilot program
  5. Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Mentorship
  6. May be invited to the MVP program

What is the eligibility to apply for this program ?

To apply, you must be at least 16 years old, have valid identification and be actively enrolled in an accredited, higher education academic institution.

Students from all academic backgrounds who want to grow their career and tech skills while making a difference in their communities are welcome to apply. Some experience in coding or technology is helpful.

Students in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and the Region of Crimea are not eligible for the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors program. U.S. export regulations prohibit the export of goods and services to these countries/regions and therefore students of these countries/regions are not eligible to participate.

Application for MLSA Program :

Video : A full video explaining MLSA program

Application for MLSA program is always open but new students are accepted into the program quarterly

Those who are interested and willing to became a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador program can apply here :

2 . Google Developer Student Club Lead

DSC is a Google Developer program for university students, designed them to help build their mobile and web development skills. By joining a DSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer – to – peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.

Google collaborates with DSC Leads once a year who are pursing an undergraduate or graduate degree and support them as they start their own on-campus community.

Image : Showing the Home Page of Google DSC website

What does a Google DSC Lead do ? and What are the Benefits of being a Google DSC lead ?

As a Google DSC lead for your campus your responsibilities include

  • Starting a Club at your University : Work with your university to start student club and select a core team members of best like you and faculty advisor to support for the projects.
  • Host Workshops : Organise Workshops and tech events at your university to improve students knowledge on developer products and platforms.
  • Build Projects : If you and your university having new project which will be the new innovation, you can identify local DSC partner to work with and lead project building activities.

As Google DSC lead you will be benefited by some perks

  • Professional Growth : Access to community management training and technical knowledge to help you be a strong leader and you will be invited to select Google events.
  • Network Growth : You will be access to network of global students network and professional community organisers.
  • Community Learning : Learn together with all other DSC’s to help educate your community online and in person.

What is the eligibility for to apply this program ?

  • Having a minimum of two years left until graduation which means you must be in the 2nd or 3rd year of your graduation
  • Must be enrolled in an UG program at any college or university
  • Commitment of one year to work
  • Leadership Skills and strong technical understanding of computer programming.
  • Host a meet-up event once a month and at least every 3 months.

Application for Google Developer Student Club Program :

Video : About Google Developer Student Clubs Program

Google DSC lead interest program form opens once a year i.e in the month of April every year.

If you are interested and meet the eligibility criteria for Google DSC lead program , you can apply here :

3 . Amazon Web Services (AWS) Educate Student Ambassador Program

AWS Educate Student Ambassadors are the student leaders who are interested in helping their community to learn more about Amazon Web Services and Cloud technologies. Student Ambassadors will receive a host of physical and digital benefits,including AWS usage at free of cost ,career development opportunities and exclusive access to AWS perks.

Image : Showing the Home Page of AWS Educate website

What are the Benefits of being a AWS Educate Student Ambassador ?

There are some member benefits as a AWS Student Ambassador.


  1. Signed certificate of participation
  2. Portable digital credential
  3. Recognition in Student Portal
  4. Participating in AWS meet-ups,training’s,webinar’s and many more

Career Development

  1. Incremental AWS Promotional Credit
  2. Quarterly AWS tech talks
  3. Office hours with AWS mentor
  4. One day, no cost professional development at select AWS summit

Exclusive Access

  1. Quarterly Student Ambassador Newsletter
  2. Discounted registration rate for AWS event
  3. Early access ,under NDA , to select AWS services
  4. Limited edition gear

What is the eligibility to apply for this program ?

In order for a student to become an AWS Educate Student Ambassador, you must :

  • K12 students and students less than 18 year old at the time of application are not eligible to apply.
  • Be enrolled in AWS educate learning
  • Be a second or third year student
  • Be familiar with AWS Educate and AWS products and services
  • Be involved in student organisations and activities

Application for AWS Educate Student Ambassadors Program :

Video : Student Testimonials about AWS Educate Student Program

Application for AWS Educate Student Ambassadors program is invited only once per year.

If you are interested and meet the eligibility criteria for AWS Educate Student Ambassador program, you can apply here :

4 . OnePlus Student Ambassador Program

OnePlus is a Mobile brand company and they started a special program for students to promote or market their products by Student Ambassadors.

OnePlus Student Ambassador Program is a campus connect program that aims to form a community of like – minded students across India. It’s a six month long program.

The program facilitates and nurture the skills to contribute to your career growth. OnePlus Student Ambassadors are the brand evangelist ans experts in their respective institutions.

Image : Showing OnePlus brand

Three types of OnePlus Student Ambassador Program

Social Media Team :

  • Curating content for the Student Community page
  • Maintain a unique aesthetic for the page
  • Study student consumption patterns for content

Community Team :

  • Conducting activities to engage the community in the colleges
  • Expand the community through diverse collaborations
  • Run operations for events in your college

Tech Team :

  • Collaborate with the tech groups teams of various colleges
  • Identify potential filled tech programs and work with them
  • Track, Analyse and Report the growth of identified programs

What are the Benefits of being a OnePlus Student Ambassador Program ?

  • Campus Marketing Experience and assist in planning, execution and coordination.
  • Access to the biggest OnePlus events
  • Get Monthly stipend and top – of – line OnePlus merchandise
  • Stand a chance to intern at OnePlus offices globally

What is the eligibility for to apply for this program ?

Anyone who meets the below criteria is eligible to apply for this role

  • Minimum of 18 of age at the time of applying
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Graduate and Post Graduate students, currently studying their degree in India.

Application for OnePlus Student Ambassador Program :

Video : About OnePlus Student Ambassador Program

Application for OnePlus Student Ambassador Program is open only once per year.

If you are interested and meet the eligibility criteria for OnePlus Student Ambassador Program , you can apply here :

5 . Intel Student Ambassador Program

The Intel® Student Ambassador Program offers a leadership program to select graduate and PhD level students in the fields of HPC, data science, and AI. In this exclusive program, Student Ambassadors are offered access to Intel® oneAPI libraries and toolkits, extended use of Intel® DevCloud, as well as exclusive training, support and disclosures to assist the development and amplification of advanced research.

As part of this program, more than 200 Student Ambassadors from top institutions around the world are actively driving discovery and advancements in the space of AI research.

Image : Showing the Home Page of Intel Student Ambassador Website

What are the Benefits of being a Intel Student Ambassador ?

  • Public affiliation with Intel Corporation
  • Opportunities to showcase research and areas of AI work
  • Support to publish technical content on Intel channels
  • Connect with AI technical engineers and subject matter experts
  • Access to individual instances of the Intel AI DevCloud
  • Assistance to coordinate and host events in your communities
  • Invitation to present research at Intel sponsored events
  • Travel sponsorship where academic work is accepted and presented

What are the Expectations of Intel Ambassadors ?

Over the course a academic year

  • Publish some form of technical content over the course of 12 months ( written technical articles, blog post , project posters etc. )
  • Host , participate or speak at one or more community events

Application for Intel Ambassador Program :

Video : Student testimony about Intel Student Ambassador Program

Application for Intel Student Ambassador Program is always open to apply

If you are interested and meet the eligibility criteria for Intel Student Ambassador Program , you can apply here :

Thank you

Thanks for reading my article , I think this article will be helpful for the students who are looking to build their technical knowledge and leadership skills. Share this to your friends who don’t know about this programs.




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