Overview of MID server in ServiceNow Discovery tool

anil kumar
5 min readAug 11, 2020


Perhaps wondering what software was installed, and whether security updates are up-to-date for those devices. Whether a server system is obsolete and due for replacement, or not. You will answer these questions, and much more, with ServiceNow Discovery.

What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is a cloud-based framework that incorporates almost all business aspects. This is from the computer network in configuration management, issue management. Besides, it also has change management, to HR activities, knowledgebase, predictive modeling. For this post, assume you want to check all devices connected to your internal business network. Thus, the software installed and knew the general system status.

ServiceNow Discovery

If you were to create a list of network devices, you would need a database to store all the relevant information. Thus, somehow enter this information. Then maintain this information store over time. Thus, by giving it any even modestly sized network environment. Thus, achieving this aim without information drift can be a repetitive overwhelming task. This is where ServiceNow and the Discovery module can significantly improve accuracy. Moreover, time by doing this automatically. This is to achieve a CMDB repository of computer networks.

MID Server

Since ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform, it is highly unlikely. Thus, you will allow the outside world to scan your internal network directly. ServiceNow uses a MID server within your network to collect information securely. Then relay that information to your main instance of ServiceNow. With the ServiceNow platform, MID servers are free to use. Thus, multiple MID servers can use simultaneously inside physical, virtual, and cloud networks. Depending on the expanse of the network infrastructure, businesses may have only a few or hundred MID servers. Thus, theoretically extend it all over the globe.

Clientless discovery in MID server

The MID server uses a clientless discovery to use SNMP, WMI, SSH. Besides, it says the other discovery methods to locate devices on your network. These can fit the information generally provided by the device manufacturer. Thus to a Management Information Base (MIB) contained in ServiceNow. Windows Apps can use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) protocol. This is to provide additional information. You can use Secure Shell (SSH) other users to execute commands on the destination device. This is to pull general information to help identify systems and components.

Tackling Exploration Challenges

Discovery depends on the network and device security to ensure that the information properly. In general, the network firewall is the first layer of security. Many networks can have multiple layers of firewalls to ensure that even amongst the company itself. Thus, different parts of the company network are secure. In general, having a MID server in close proximity to the devices will collect data. It is more secure than having to open network ports between a MID server outside of a firewall. This is to access devices within the firewall. Fortunately, you are free to have as many MID servers as your network requires.

ServiceNow discovery for admin

Discovery normally operates on a schedule set by system administrator ServiceNow. Discovery is running a computer is not connected, discovers the computer. This conflict will come into play if Discovery’s general network is set to run every weekend or night but everyday workers take home their laptops. You may create different exploration schedules for different segments of the network. For example, while servers and other 24/7 network devices at night, the network segment that contains employee computers. You can scan it during the daytime.

SNMP in MID server

The MID server will communicate with the client until it is able to reach the destination node. When implementing Discovery, you may overlook proper login credentials. Owing it to either disable messaging services or incomplete credentials on the destination device. Then the vast majority of active, could not identify messages encountered during the discovery. If you just want a system inventory, then read-only credentials are going to be fine. You need read-write credentials and the Orchestration module. If you want to extend ServiceNow functionality to change the destination system. Therefore, automatically download software updates and patches.

Major manufacturers of devices are generally very good at providing full MIB and OID information. Servicenow training has an existing large out-of-box MIB repository to fit OID returns. But as the manufacturers are smaller and the products more elusive, MIBs inside ServiceNow may not be pre-loaded and missing. Luckily these smaller producers will often have MIBs that you can download to add to your ServiceNow case. But even if the manufacturer does not include information about the MIB. You can use ServiceNow Discovery Pattern Designer to generate your own identifier. This is to identify and collect product information.

Lastly, this all relies on a mutual network administrator. Network administrators are also very particular about how devices behave and communicate (and yeah, they have to be!) with their network. Discovery requires the MID server to access the discovered devices. Thus, to read the device’s credentials and to access the internet cloud instance. ServiceNow uses it to report its findings. Failure in both of these areas can cause Discovery to fail and numerous unwanted headaches will result from a fussy network admin.

Tips for Success in Exploration

As mentioned above, you can install as many MID servers as you wish! MID servers can be physical or virtual computers and should have two 8 GB RAM cores to typically perform well. MID servers may be used for more load balancing in clusters, usually with some thousand computers per MID. It’s typically preferred to position MID servers behind each segment of the firewall. This is instead of opening firewalls to allow access to the discovery.

Anti-virus software can be a secret output killer on MID servers. By default, when devices are polled for details, the data payload is written to disk in the Windows “temp” directory. Effective anti-virus will always clean the Windows temp tab, ensuring that the server will spend a lot of time testing payloads from SNMP. While keeping anti-virus installed and configured as suggested. You can change the default “host” directory for the MID Server to a place other than the “desktop” folder for Windows. Then whitelist the new temp directory for the MID Server. This may improve performance throughput by a factor of five or more!

If your network and MID servers are designed correctly, the completion of a typical discovery will take some minutes to an hour. Even a very broad distributed environment with 65,000 devices will take less than 5 hours to complete a full exploration of the network systems.


ServiceNow Discovery is a powerful tool to track the status and safety of your corporate network once it is configured and running. It will automate the selection of routine as well as advanced device details to fill in your CMDB. You configure CMDB, machine reporting for important business decisions. This is more reliable, insightful, and meaningful. Further enhancement of the network with Orchestration to automate system changes. Then upgrades and Service Mapping to determine the dependencies. Thus, the effect of service outages will transform the organization. Moreover, it is by greatly reducing the time for resolution of any instance. You can learn more through servicenow online training in Hyderabad.

