Crafting the Visual Symphony: Styles for the Digital Midjourney

Anima Creative Ltd
5 min readMar 31, 2024

Unlocks a world where the symphony of pixels and the resonance of colours converge to create an ethereal visual melody. Much like a composer delicately weaving together notes and harmonies, the digital artist composes visuals that echo with a dreamlike beauty, transcending the ordinary. Let’s explore how the Midjourney — our collective digital expedition — can be the conduit to craft such serene and otherworldly imagery.

Pixelated Harmonies: Embracing the CRT Aesthetic

In the landscape of visual styles, few evoke the warm nostalgia of the CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen. The phosphorescent glow of red, green, and blue diodes recalls the early days of digital artistry, each pixel a note in a larger visual composition. On the Midjourney, these pixels become our instruments, allowing us to recreate the familiar hum and vibrant aberrations of a technology once thought obsolete.



Anima Creative Ltd

Content Writer | AI Artist | Motion Graphic Designer for hire. I share insights into the world of tech, travel & design.