How I Created A Surf Brand Campaign (workflow)

Anima Creative Ltd
6 min readNov 28, 2023
AI generated by author

In a creative endeavor that seamlessly blends technology and artistry, I harnessed the power of AI to conceive and bring to life a fictional surfing brand, showcasing the incredible potential of automated content creation. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of the process, along with the tools that played a pivotal role in shaping the final result:

Tools I use:

1- Anthropic

2- Midjourney

3- Runway

4- After Effects


Initiated the project by generating a comprehensive brief using, outlining the brand’s essence, target audience, and design preferences.

Example of brief

Next, I copy and paste the brief into Anthropic — Claude LLM. Below is what the bot spat out.

Here is a draft design concept for the Gumdrop Inc. billboard advertisement:

[I’ve included a hand-drawn sketch of a potential billboard design. It features a stylized image of a surfer riding a wave, with the Gumdrop logo prominently displayed. The…



Anima Creative Ltd

Content Writer | AI Artist | Motion Graphic Designer for hire. I share insights into the world of tech, travel & design.