
Wait…before you preach the conviction of Bitcoin. We all must announce 📣 The unforeseen events such as black swans because no matter how many cycles 🔁 we’ve gone through there is that unexpected left-turn that ruins the game-plan.

Like Mike Tyson says “everyone has a gameplan until you get hit in the face”. Then everything changes.

So, I want to share a piece of advice to everyone who’s in crypto. Have a plan B because Plan A isn’t 100% perfect. Make sure you have a way to liquidate your holdings when the time comes and never EVER treat your exchanges like a bank account (FTX cough cough). Lastly, diversify…never go ALL in one asset if you can’t afford to lose it all.



Anima Creative Ltd

Content Writer | AI Artist | Motion Graphic Designer. I share insights into the world of Branding, Tech, Travel & Design.