2 min readSep 12, 2022

SMILE Language 😊

Let’s SMILE and keep smiling 🤗

We are the smartest beings on the earth so we must use our minds to make the world happy.
To communicate with people in all the world we speak lot of languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish… and lot of dialects such Amezighiya, Chawiya, Mzabiya and many other… but we forgot that the easiest language to understand each other is the smile language 😊.
 I want to make the whole world laugh…
The world is ready for you to shine even brighter.
You are not a warrior if you haven’t lost your power and what you owned, make your prioritize in life: your worship, your parents, peace of mind, your happiness, your success, some of the people who love you … and enough.
we might think that happiness is limited between work and money, between luxurious houses and cars…
but true happiness can be found in the simplest things like a beautiful word, a flower, a gift, a Smile!!!

A SMILE 😊 it’s means lot of; it’s means you are a kindly, lovely, good, cute, beautiful, joyful… person 
this called facial expressions, you can give smile for free! why you don’t do that ?
you will be laugh and make people laugh too🤗 so try to smile! every time, ever morning, every evening, every night, and every day, make it as a habit in your life; our prophet محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام in my islamic religion said *A smile in your brother’s face is charity*.

A SMILE is a curve that sets everything straight.
Try to smile 🤗

Thank you for reading and take care 🧚‍♀️


Amina BGR Algerian Girl 🧚‍♀️ Phd student in STAPS