The Essential Guide to Button Quail Eggs

Animal Corners
2 min readApr 26, 2024


Button quail eggs are a fascinating subject for anyone interested in aviculture or simply looking to add these small birds to their home or farm. Known for their tiny size, these eggs pack a lot of interesting features and care requirements. Here, we’ll guide you through what makes button quail eggs special, how to care for them, and why they are becoming increasingly popular among enthusiasts.

Understanding Button Quail Eggs

Button quail eggs are significantly smaller than the average chicken egg, usually measuring about the size of a dime. Their small size and beautiful, speckled appearance make them instantly recognizable. These eggs are laid by the female button quail and can vary in color from shades of brown to a bluish tint, with dark spots.

Incubation and Care

Incubating button quail eggs requires attention to detail and the right equipment. The ideal incubation temperature is between 99.5°F to 100°F with a humidity level around 60% for the first 14 days, then increased to about 70% for the last few days until hatching. It’s crucial to turn the eggs at least 3 times a day to ensure proper development, though many experienced breeders opt for automatic incubators to maintain consistency.

Why Raise Button Quail?

Aside from their adorable size and the joy of hatching them, button quails have several benefits. They mature quickly, often starting to lay eggs at just 6 weeks of age. Their eggs, while small, are edible and considered a delicacy in some cultures. Additionally, button quails require minimal space, making them perfect for those with limited room who wish to keep birds.


Raising button quail and caring for their eggs can be a rewarding experience, offering a unique insight into the avian world through these diminutive creatures. Whether for educational purposes, as a hobby, or for their eggs, button quails provide an interesting alternative to more common poultry. With the right care and environment, your button quail can thrive, producing tiny, beautiful eggs that are as intriguing as they are delightful.

For those who’ve embarked on the adventure of raising button quail, or if you’re considering it, sharing your experiences below can provide valuable insights and tips for newcomers to this engaging hobby. Remember, while they may be small, button quails can bring immense joy and satisfaction to bird enthusiasts of all levels.

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