Binturong: A Secret Animal With Soft Fur And A Long Tail

Animal Learns
9 min readOct 2, 2023


The binturong belongs to an interesting family of mammals called viverrids, which mostly includes animals like civets. Its nickname is the “bear cat” because those seem to be the two closest animals that resemble it. They’re found natively in Southeast Asia, in many countries that have forests with protected tree cover, such as the Philippines and Indonesia.

The binturong is immediately recognizable by its huge prehensile tail, which it can use for balance as it leaps through the trees. And if you can get close enough, they also have a distinct smell, like popcorn or corn nuts. They’re omnivores, but since they’re not predatory, most of their diet is plant and vegetable matter.

Habitat and distribution

The binturong’s natural habitat is the lush rainforests of Southeast Asia, where they have evolved a set of unique adaptations to thrive. Their omnivorous binturong diet includes fruits, leaves, and small animals, allowing them to be opportunistic feeders. However, what truly sets them apart is their distinctive popcorn-like smell, which serves as a communication tool within their social structure.

In terms of binturong size, they are medium-sized carnivores, often recognized for their robust build. As they navigate their habitat’s treetops with ease, their prehensile tail becomes an essential tool, aiding in balance and movement.

Range Rules: Binturongs are not picky about where they live, as long as there are plenty of trees. They can be found in several countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. They’re like the rockstars of the rainforest, touring different venues and attracting fans wherever they go.

Tree Time: Binturongs are arboreal, which means they spend most of their time in trees. They have long tails that help them balance and grip branches. They also have special pads on their feet that allow them to walk upside down on tree limbs. They’re like the acrobats of the animal kingdom, performing amazing feats of agility and grace.

Protective Padding: Binturongs prefer forests that are undisturbed by human activities, such as logging and farming. They need dense canopies to hide from predators and find food. They’re like the celebrities of the wildlife world, seeking privacy and security in their exclusive habitats.

Urban Adventures: Sometimes, binturongs venture out of their natural homes and end up in zoos or animal sanctuaries around the world. There, they enjoy the perks of human care and attention. They’re like the jet-setters of the mammal world, taking a break from their busy schedules to relax and pamper themselves.

Conservation Connection: Binturongs are threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and illegal trade. Some countries have recognized their importance and given them legal protection. India, for example, has listed them as a protected species under its Wildlife Protection Act. They’re like the ambassadors of the forest ecosystem, raising awareness and inspiring action.

Traveling Tidbit: They have a unique way of marking their territory: they secrete a musky scent from their anal glands that smells like popcorn. Yes, you read that right: popcorn. They’re like the chefs of the scent world, creating delicious aromas that waft through the air.

So there you have it: the binturong’s habitat and distribution, from VIPs to travelers. These bear-cat impostors are masters of the treetop lifestyle, and they’re not shy about showing it!

The Appearance

Imagine a furry animal that looks like a mix of a bear and a cat. That’s the binturong, a remarkable creature with a distinctive appearance. Binturongs have a bear-like body shape and a long, bushy tail that can wrap around branches. Their fur is dark brown or black, with some white or grayish hairs that make them look speckled. But the most striking feature of binturongs is their face.

They have small, rounded ears, a short snout, and expressive eyes that can charm anyone. They also have sharp, curved claws and large paws that help them grip branches in their tree-top home.

Behavior and lifestyle

Understanding the binturong’s behavior and conservation status is crucial in ensuring their survival. These arboreal creatures are primarily nocturnal, relying on their keen sense of smell and hearing to navigate the dense forests. Their attack strategy, often from the safety of treetops, showcases their unique defense mechanisms.

Unfortunately, their natural habitat faces constant threats, leading to their endangered status. Conservation efforts strive to protect their habitat and raise awareness about these intriguing creatures.

While the idea of having a binturong as a pet may be enticing to some, it’s essential to ask the question: Are binturongs dangerous when kept in captivity? Their conservation status highlights the importance of responsible interactions with these fascinating animals, which continue to captivate with their binturong pronunciation and sound echoing through the rainforest canopy.

Binturong Behavior:

  • Tree Huggers: They are the true tree huggers of the animal kingdom. They spend most of their time high up in the trees, making them the ultimate treehouse enthusiasts.
  • Balancing Act: Their secret weapon? A tail that’s as long as a giraffe’s neck (well, maybe not that long, but it’s pretty impressive). This prehensile tail helps them keep their balance as they swing from branch to branch, like furry Tarzans.
  • Stinkin’ Cute: They’re not just cute; they’re stinkin’ cute. Literally. Binturongs have a unique scent that smells like a movie theater filled with buttery popcorn. They might be the only animals that can make you hungry just by sniffing them.
  • Night Owls: They are creatures of the night, which means they’re probably binge-watching “Animal Planet” when you’re fast asleep. They’re nocturnal, so daytime is for snoozing in their treetop hammocks.
  • Omnivorous Adventurers: These guys are foodies. While they mainly munch on fruits and leaves, they’re not opposed to a bit of protein now and then. Insects, small mammals, and eggs are on the menu when they’re feeling carnivorous.

Binturong Lifestyle:

  • Treetop Dwellers: They are the ultimate treehouse architects. They build their homes in the treetops, where they have the best views and no noisy neighbors (except maybe some chatty birds).
  • Forest Explorers: They’re like forest explorers with fur coats. Binturongs roam the lush forests of Southeast Asia, swinging from tree to tree and discovering all the best hide-and-seek spots.
  • Seed Spreaders: Binturongs are the Johnny Appleseeds of the forest. They munch on fruits, digest the seeds, and then plant new trees wherever they, well, you know, “go.” Talk about a green thumb, or should we say a brown paw?
  • Nap Enthusiasts: These guys take their beauty sleep seriously. When they’re not foraging for food or planting future forests, they’re catching some Z’s in their cozy tree hammocks.
  • Nature’s Perfume Makers: With their popcorn-scented musk, binturongs are like nature’s own perfume makers. Forget fancy fragrances; just hang out with a binturong if you want to smell delicious.

Interesting Facts and Anecdotes

  • They are night owls. Binturongs are mostly active at night when they use their keen senses and bright eyes to navigate the dark. They can even see ultraviolet light, which helps them find food and avoid predators.
  • They are acrobats of the trees. Binturongs are expert climbers, thanks to their long tails and flexible ankles. Their tails can grip branches and act as a balance, while their ankles can rotate 180 degrees, allowing them to descend headfirst or hang upside down.
  • They eat almost anything. Binturongs have a diverse diet, ranging from fruits and leaves to insects and small mammals. They especially love figs, which make up most of their fruit intake. By eating and dispersing seeds, they help maintain the health of their forest habitat.
  • They are loners but not antisocial. Binturongs usually live alone, except during the breeding season, when they become more social and playful. They have a complex courtship ritual, involving vocalizations, grooming, and tail-wrapping.
  • They have a unique mating style. Binturongs mate in the trees, using their climbing skills to their advantage. The male hangs from a branch by his tail, while the female wraps her tail around him and holds on with her claws. This way, they can mate without falling off.


Estimating the population of binturongs in the wild can be challenging due to their elusive nature and the dense forests they inhabit. Nevertheless, these creatures face threats from habitat loss and the illegal pet trade. Conservation efforts are crucial to preserving their populations.

Organizations and researchers are working to better understand their ecology, protect their habitats, and combat the illegal wildlife trade to ensure the binturong’s continued survival in the wild. In captivity, binturongs can be found in some zoos and wildlife sanctuaries, providing opportunities for education and research on these enigmatic animals.


Binturongs, with their formidable size and unique adaptations, have relatively few natural predators in their Southeast Asian habitats. However, they can still face threats from large carnivores such as leopards, pythons, and clouded leopards. Additionally, humans pose a significant threat through habitat destruction and poaching, primarily driven by the illegal pet trade and the demand for their fur, which has contributed to their population decline in some regions.

Despite their relatively low predation risk in the wild, human-related factors continue to be the primary concern for the conservation of these intriguing bearcats.


Do you know how binturongs, or bear cats, find love in the wild? It’s a fascinating process that involves several factors, such as scent, sound, and choice. They are tree-dwelling animals from Southeast Asia, who usually live alone. But when the mating season comes, which can vary depending on where they live, they become more social and look for a partner.

One of the most important factors in binturong mating is their smell. Binturongs have special glands near their anus that produce a musky odor. They use this odor to mark their territory and tell other binturongs that they are ready to mate.

They use different sounds and vocalizations to express their feelings and intentions. Males may roam their territory, listening for the calls of females in heat. Females may respond to the males’ calls, or ignore them if they are not interested.

Female binturongs are picky about who they mate with. They look for males who are healthy, strong and have large territories. Females prefer males who can provide them with a good home and a safe environment.

When a female chooses a male, they start to court each other. They may groom each other, make noises, and play together. Then they mate, with the male hanging from a branch while the female wraps her tail around him. This is a unique way of mating that shows how well-adapted binturongs are to living in the trees.


Are Bearcats friendly?

Bearcats can be friendly but are typically solitary and cautious around humans.

Are binturong aggressive?

They are not usually aggressive, but they can defend themselves if they feel threatened.

Why do binturongs smell like popcorn?

They have scent glands that produce a musky, popcorn-like odor. This scent helps them communicate with other binturongs and establish territory.

Is a binturong a cat?

Despite their name, binturongs are not cats; they belong to a different family called Viverridae.

Is it a binturong predator or prey?

Binturongs are typically preyed upon by large birds of prey, snakes, and big cats like leopards.

What do binturongs eat?

They are omnivores, primarily feasting on fruits, leaves, and plant matter. They also enjoy insects, small mammals, and eggs, especially in captivity.

Which big cat is friendly to humans?

No big cat is truly friendly to humans in the wild. Some can be habituated to human presence in captivity, but they are still wild animals.

Do bearcats smell like popcorn?

Yes, They are known for their distinctive popcorn-like smell.

  1. #Binturong
  2. #Bearcat
  3. #WildlifeWednesday
  4. #Conservation
  5. #EndangeredSpecies
  6. #RainforestCreature
  7. #BinturongLove
  8. #BinturongAwareness
  9. #AnimalProtection
  10. #BinturongHabitat
  11. #RainforestGuardian
  12. #SaveTheBinturong
  13. #SpeciesSurvival
  14. #BinturongFacts
  15. #WildlifeConservation
  16. #NoToPoaching
  17. #BinturongAdventures
  18. #BinturongRescue
  19. #ProtectTheRainforest
  20. #BinturongPhotography
  21. #CriticallyEndangered
  22. #BinturongHugs
  23. #RainforestTreasure
  24. #BinturongAware
  25. #BinturongHabitatLoss
  26. #ConservationSuccess
  27. #BinturongBehavior
  28. #BinturongResearch
  29. #RainforestGuardians
  30. #BinturongConservation



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