Anime Chain FAQ (English Version)updated on 11th, January

Anime Chain Project
22 min readJan 9, 2024


*We’ve updated our FAQs on 11th, January to reflect the valuable feedback we’ve received from you.

This is a FAQ about “Announcing the “Anime Chain Initiative” to resolve copyright and ethical issues associated with generative AI and expand the content ecosystem.” published on the 9th of January, 2024.


□Table of Contents

・About the Anime Chain
・About the Anime Chain Ecosystem
・About Blockchain (technical)
・About Generative AI (technical)

■About the Anime Chain

Q: Will the “Anime Chain” preparatory committee form a corporation?

A: Yes, we are currently making preparations to establish a corporation with the aim of growing and expanding the “Anime Chain” project.

Q: Is “Anime Chain” a project specialized in anime? Do you have plans to expand into other entertainment content, such as manga and games?

A: The vision of the “Anime Chain” Initiative is to foster healthy growth in Japan’s entire entertainment content industry, not only anime, but also manga, games, and VTubers, enhancing its sustainability. We will explore the applicability to various entertainment content together with future partners.

Q: How will the “Anime Chain” Initiative resolve the copyright and ethical issues associated with generative AI?

A: In this initiative, all datasets are rigorously managed through an opt-in system with official permission from the rights holders, and we will not use any existing foundation models. Furthermore, to address concerns about job displacement by generative AI, we will initially introduce this technology in the anime industry, which faces labor shortages, and then proceed to establish rules and systems for further industry application. This approach aims to resolve the copyright and ethical issues related to generative AI.

Q: What are the benefits of participating in “Anime Chain”?

A: Generative AI technology continues to evolve at an astonishing pace and is predicted to contribute significantly to increased productivity, problem-solving, and quality improvement in future anime production. However, current open-source image generation AIs are not optimized for commercial or professional use, and specialized adjustments are essential when used in the industry. Moreover, most of these image generation models are not opt-in and may raise ethical concerns and legal issues when used. Furthermore, if you eventually switch to using generative AI in your production process without participating in this initiative and do not create your own image generation AI, you will likely need to rely on open-source or major foreign companies for professional anime production AI models, which may involve rights and financial constraints. Additionally, these are mainly developed overseas, and it is uncertain whether they can meet the expectations of Japanese anime professionals in terms of style, features, quality, business practices, and cultural and contextual understanding. Even for domestic development, a significant scale is needed to achieve rich materials and diverse outputs, and it is extremely difficult to achieve this with the materials held by only a few companies. However, by building a cooperative relationship across the industry in advance, as proposed in this initiative, it becomes possible to develop ethically sound generative AI while managing quality. Also, by combining generative AI with blockchain technology, revenue distribution, and data protection can be automated, safeguarding rights and profits. For these reasons, this initiative is the best option for the future of anime production, through industry-wide cooperation and the use of advanced technology.

Q: Could you tell us about the financial benefits of participating in “Anime Chain”?

A: This initiative, by introducing a decentralized financial system utilizing blockchain technology, is expected to bring positive changes to fundraising and market expansion in the anime industry. Decentralized finance tends to form large market caps due to its characteristics, making it easier to create substantial market capital. As a result, this will significantly expand the market size of the anime industry and increase production funding. This new method of fundraising opens up various possibilities, such as expanding personnel costs for producing anime series and movies, creating new contests, and increasing the number of original works released by anime production companies, thereby enhancing creativity and competitiveness within the industry. This process is also likely to promote the emergence of talented directors and creators. Although initial stages might see price fluctuations due to speculation, just as Japan built its infrastructure network during the bubble economy era, once created, the content continues to hold long-term value. Additionally, the nurtured talent will be preserved in this process and will become valuable human resources supporting further industry development. The Anime Chain initiative offers new fundraising opportunities in the anime industry and is an essential step in paving the entire industry’s future by expanding the market. This initiative is expected to push the anime industry ahead into a new era, accelerating its growth and innovation.

Q: Will the “Anime Chain” become a standalone blockchain?

A: In the initial phase, we plan to utilize existing public blockchains and their Layer 2 solutions. However, in the future, we plan to construct a standalone blockchain. Our roadmap also outlines these plans, so please take a look.

Q: I want to participate in the “Anime Chain Initiative” content ecosystem. How can I do that?

A: Thank you for your interest. We opened an X account to share the latest information about the “Anime Chain Initiative.” Please stay tuned for future updates.

Japanese account:

Global account:

Q: Are there plans to work on joint anime production projects under “Anime Chain”?

A: Yes. Through this initiative, we plan to develop joint anime production projects utilizing generative AI and tokens in collaboration with anime industry stakeholders and partners. The development and prosperity of the anime industry necessitate innovations like the culture of Original Video Animations (OVAs), which has produced many renowned directors and talented creators, as well as feature-length anime and anime contests. By actively supporting these initiatives, we aim for further development of the industry.

Q: I want to purchase “Anime Chian” tokens. Where can I buy them?

A: Thank you for your interest. The issuance of “Anime Chain” tokens for the support of creators/developers is planned in our roadmap, but the timing is currently undecided. We opened an X account to share the latest information about the “Anime Chain Initiative.” Please stay tuned for future updates.

Japanese account:

Global account:

Q: When will the tokens be issued and listed?

A: Currently, we are unable to provide a definite schedule, but we will proceed according to our roadmap. We opened an X account to share the latest information about the “Anime Chain Initiative.” Please stay tuned for future updates.

Japanese account:

Global account:

Q: We are a production company and would like to use the generative AI tools developed by the “Anime Chain.” How can we do that?

A: Thank you for your interest. We opened an X account to share the latest information about our upcoming generative AI tools and related developments. Please stay tuned for future updates.

Japanese account:

Global account:

■About the Anime Chain Ecosystem

Q: You talk about “expanding the ecosystem,” but I feel this might not align well with one of the basic beliefs of creators, which is “anti-commercialism.” How do you plan to approach this matter?

A: Indeed, the goal of “expanding the ecosystem” might seem at first to contradict the “anti-commercialism” spirit of creators. However, our vision of “expanding the ecosystem” is not merely about pursuing commercial profits. Rather, it’s about using generative AI appropriately to create an environment where creators can fully express their creativity and values, thus expanding the cultural sphere itself. Our concept of “expanding the ecosystem” aims to bring diversity to both supply and demand, providing creators with the freedom of “anti-commercialism.” We want to provide a space where creators can pursue their artistic aspirations and uniqueness without being influenced by commercial pressures, while also having the option to make a living.

Q: Will creators’ rights truly be protected and their monetization maximized? Aren’t they being exploited?

A: This initiative was born in response to the specific concerns and needs expressed by active stakeholders in the content industry. From the outset, ethical correctness and the protection of creators’ rights have been fundamental to our approach. Our goal is to provide an environment where creators can control their own rights and have their value fairly assessed. Maximizing revenue doesn’t mean chasing short-term economic benefits. It implies creating a situation where creators can focus on their creative activities and have their work appropriately valued, naturally leading to profit. To prevent creators from being unfairly exploited, we are focusing on building a system based on transparency and ethics, including mechanisms like opt-in/opt-out and blockchain traceability. Through these efforts, we believe it is possible to achieve both the protection of creators’ rights and the maximization of their revenue.

Q: With the widespread adoption of generative AI, won’t creators’ rights and revenues be jeopardized?

A: Indeed, if generative AI that uses materials without the permission of the rights holders becomes widespread in its current form, it could unfairly impact creators’ rights and revenues. On the other hand, the Japanese anime industry is facing a serious labor shortage, and the industry itself is in a crisis before we can protect the creators’ jobs and maximize their revenues. This initiative was born out of the need to solve these challenges, as heard from active stakeholders in the content industry. Our aim is not to threaten creator’s jobs or rights in the AI era. Instead, it is to revive the anime industry, whose sustainability is at an immediate risk, while respecting the jobs and rights of creators to the fullest. We believe that providing generative AI that uses materials authorized by the rights holders and leveraging blockchain for transparency and legitimacy will protect creators’ rights while preventing a sustainability crisis in the industry, which ultimately leads to maximizing creators’ revenues.

Q: I believe that the anime industry is not suffering from a labor shortage, but rather from insufficient wages. Is a technical innovation really necessary?

A: To address these widespread challenges in the industry, proactive actions must be taken to improve the ecosystem. For the industry’s sustainable development, all stakeholders must unite and work together to build a healthy industrial structure. Criticism and resistance are inevitable when introducing new technologies and developing new business models. Still, without action, the current issues will never be resolved. Our initiative explores introducing new business models and support systems in collaboration with various stakeholders. This includes ensuring fair compensation for creators and improving overall working conditions in the industry. Utilizing technological innovations to enhance efficiency and reduce costs is also a key strategy. Our initiative aims to create an environment in the anime industry where all creators are properly recognized and compensated, allowing them the freedom to produce their works. This requires a shift in the mindset of the industry and organized efforts. We are committed to this challenge and aim for the sustainable growth and prosperity of the anime industry.

Q: I’m skeptical that the advancement of generative AI will ultimately reduce creators’ livelihoods. Also, isn’t the labor shortage more a perspective from the production side, and isn’t Japan actually a red ocean overflowing with illustrators?
A: We sincerely acknowledge the concern that the development of generative AI might negatively impact creators’ livelihoods. However, our concept is based on specific feedback from active professionals in the content industry, including anime production companies, and was conceived as a solution to protect the sustainability of these industries. The anime industry, in particular, faces multiple challenges, some of which are already critical. Our initiative aims to address these issues and support the healthy development of the entire industry. We strive to implement and make appropriate use of generative AI in a way that respects copyright and ethical issues, and through the construction of an overall ecosystem, aim to achieve a sustainable industry structure. We are also aware of the current state of the illustrator industry. While our concept focuses on anime production, we believe the challenges and solutions here will bring new possibilities not just to the illustrator industry but also to game development and all other forms of content creation. Indeed, even after the maturity of generative AI technology and the establishment of rules, we cannot deny the possibility of market saturation if the current market size remains unchanged. However, the emergence of new technologies not only replaces existing tasks but also supports people in new ways and expands market possibilities. Especially in the creative industry, using generative AI can enhance creators’ abilities, allowing them to explore uncharted creative fields and maximize their talents in existing industries. This evolution also redefines the existing market, creating new demand and employment opportunities. Our initiative is not merely optimizing existing tasks, which can lead to reducing employment opportunities. Through the fusion of AI and blockchain technology, we aim to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the entire creative industry, revitalizing existing sectors and exploring new market frontiers.

Q: Won’t the adoption of AI lead to a large part of newcomers in the industry becoming unnecessary?

A: Our initiative was born in response to the specific concerns voiced by active participants in the content industry. Among these concerns is the issue of a lack of successors due to the aging society. Moreover, for sustainable growth in the industry, it’s essential to have not just experienced veterans but also new entrants who bring fresh ideas and energy. “Newcomers” are vital, as they become a new force in the industry, bringing innovative ideas and technologies, and contributing to the further development of the anime industry. We recognize the importance of various personnel as part of improving the industry’s ecosystem. Accordingly, providing opportunities for all creators to thrive and creating an environment where their new talents can flourish is also a goal of our initiative.

Q: Can you provide specific details about the amount of money being returned?

A: We believe it would be irresponsible to provide a specific figure for the return amount at this stage. Decisions about returns involve more than just stating a number. Confirming this amount now could lead to unfair commitments to all involved parties. Determining the amount requires careful consideration and a multifaceted evaluation, a complex issue that should be addressed through the joint efforts of our supporting partners and all stakeholders. We place transparency and fairness at the forefront. This process must be conducted in a way that satisfies and involves all stakeholders. It includes factors like market trends, industry standards, the scale and impact of the project, and long-term strategies for building a sustainable ecosystem. Our initiative respects the opinions of all involved parties and emphasizes fair discussion. The final amount will be determined based on these factors and the consensus of all stakeholders. Through this process, we aim to contribute to the healthy development of the entire industry and build a sustainable ecosystem.

Q: Doesn’t the realization of this initiative risk entrenching vested interests?

A: The Japanese content industry, encompassing anime, games, movies, and more, is globally renowned for its uniqueness and creativity. However, with the spread of the internet, the infrastructure for distributing and managing digital content has increasingly been dominated by large foreign companies, posing several challenges for creators and businesses in Japan’s content industry. One issue is that a significant portion of the revenue flows to overseas platforms, severely straining the financial flexibility of domestic creators and production companies. Another concern is the constraints on content creation and distribution imposed by the rules and algorithms set by these foreign platforms. Additionally, there are concerns about copyright and personal data protection due to the lack of transparency in data management and usage. This system that allows vested interests contributes to the unhealthy circulation of Japan’s content industry ecosystem and hinders the sustainable growth of the domestic industry. However, our initiative’s autonomous decentralized cooperative approach allows for a more diverse range of creators and companies to participate and enables a fairer distribution of revenue. By leveraging the transparency and decentralized nature of blockchain technology, we can prevent domination by a few major companies or specific groups and provide more equal opportunities. Moreover, by avoiding the concentration of vested interests, Japan’s content industry can build its own infrastructure, distribute revenue more fairly, secure creative freedom, counteract illegality, and correctly protect creators’ rights. This is a crucial step in reclaiming a healthy ecosystem for the domestic industry and producing more competitive content for the world. In conclusion, our initiative is in fact a mechanism that challenges vested interests, aiming to rebuild the ecosystem of the content industry in the generative AI era towards a healthier, decentralized structure. If implemented correctly, we believe it can ensure fair distribution of benefits across the entire industry.

Q: While you talk about “expanding the ecosystem,” isn’t there a goal to create a structure that skims profits from the entire industry?

A: We understand the concerns you’ve raised. With the advent of the generative AI era, it is true that creators are at risk of losing opportunities for fair compensation. However, the current industry structure faces the issue of labor shortages, and this contradiction affects sustainability. To solve this, it is necessary to build generative AI to protect creators’ rights and maximize their productivity, while also recording the usage history on the blockchain and using those records for fair profit redistribution. The “Anime Chain Initiative” will establish rules and systems to achieve this goal. Our efforts aim to foster the healthy development of the entire industry by ensuring that creators receive proper compensation for their talent and effort. Our concept of “expanding the ecosystem” refers to “Creating and enhancing the value of creators, fans, and stakeholders alike,” providing an environment where they mutually contribute, not just pursue profits.

Q: There are concerns that the initiators are looking to maintain control and aim for significant profits.
A: We deeply understand some concerns regarding our initiative. However, the current project members have initiated this project not in support of a centralized system, but rather based on the idea of aiming for a decentralized structure. With members with a radical mindset at the foundation of our initiative, we strive to build a decentralized ecosystem. Nevertheless, to realize this, it is crucial first to negotiate rights and collaborate with existing centralized organizations. Therefore, in progressing with the project, it’s necessary to establish the required rules and aim for a consensus within the entire industry. In moving towards realizing this initiative, we will cooperate with a broad range of stakeholders and proceed through a fair and transparent process. Through these efforts, we aim to bring new value to the industry and support sustainable growth and development. We are committed to building a system that all stakeholders find satisfactory and supportive and will dedicate our full efforts to this challenge.

Q: In the “Illustration of how we aim to expand the content ecosystem,” you mention “Proof of Generation” and “Proof of Training.” What do they mean?

A: “Proof of Generation” is a system that gives rewards based on the quality and originality of the content produced by generative AI, while “Proof of Training” focuses on the training and evolution of the AI model, rewarding those who contribute to the computational resources, labor, and materials to enhance the performance of generative AI. The adoption of these systems aims to combine technological innovation and economic incentives.

■About Blockchain (technical)

Q: Is blockchain technology necessary for the “Anime Chain Initiative”t?

A: There are several important reasons for the necessity of using blockchain technology in the “Anime Chain Initiative”:
・Ensuring Transparency and Reliability: By leveraging the immutability and transparency of blockchain, we will clearly record the copyrights and usage history of the content. This provides a highly reliable environment where users can confidently engage in transactions and usage.

・Improved Efficiency of Copyright Management: By utilizing blockchain, we will efficiently manage copyright information of content, enabling automatic revenue distribution to creators and rights holders. This contributes to the simplification of rights management and the improvement of procedural efficiency.

・Enhanced Data Security: The use of a decentralized network prevents data tampering and unauthorized access, playing a critical role, especially in protecting personal data and intellectual property rights.

・Evolution of a Decentralized Ecosystem: By securely managing production data with blockchain and using it to update the foundation model continuously, we build a sustainable and fair content ecosystem.

Q: You use the term “transparency”. Does this mean that the generative AI’s learning data and outputs will be publicly available for viewing?
A: The “transparency” our initiative aims for does not necessarily mean that all learning data and creations will be publicly disclosed as they are. Considering the risk of datasets being repurposed for other generative AIs, at least for the current stage, we plan to have the data verified by independent institutions, third-party committees, research institutions, rights management organizations, public authorities, and experts. Through these verifications, we aim to ensure the safety, ethicality, and quality of the AI’s outputs. This approach is intended to enhance generative AI’s final quality and trustworthiness while minimizing risks in multiple directions. Ethical development of generative AI is a top priority in our initiative, and this policy reflects our objectives.

Q: If the legitimacy of the opt-in datasets used in generative AI is managed through third-party verification, is there really a need to use public blockchain technology? Is the primary purpose to distribute profits or to use proprietary tokens?

A: First and foremost, the purpose of this initiative is to ensure the sustainability of Japan’s anime industry. According to insights from active participants in the content industry, including anime production companies, the current anime industry faces structural problems that inhibit the full expression of creators’ creativity and abilities. Despite budget constraints, Japan’s anime industry used to thrive on the strength of its creators, producing a wide variety of original works and continuously nurturing talented directors and creators. However, this environment is now at risk. To address this issue, we believe it is crucial to maximize creators’ abilities, fairly distribute the resulting profits, and reclaim the creators’ power. We must embrace creative solutions and optimistic initiatives for this transformation to succeed. Utilizing generative AI to elevate the capabilities of creators beyond what has been previously achieved and to foster the ongoing emergence of talented individuals is crucial. To realistically achieve these goals and secure the future sustainability of the anime industry, it’s imperative to construct a decentralized ecosystem. Moreover, private blockchains can be susceptible to manipulation at the discretion of certain parties. In contrast, public blockchains play a crucial role in this decentralized ecosystem, enabling the tracking of creators’ contributions and profits, and facilitating fair profit distribution. Using unique tokens is most appropriate for actions like providing learning data, which may not directly lead to profits. Therefore, we are actively considering introducing our unique tokens as a means to strengthen the ecosystem. While we understand some objections and skepticism, we are committed to adopting any ethical and innovative approach to shape the future of the anime industry. Next, our initiative focuses on ensuring tamper resistance and transparency. The decentralized structure of the blockchain makes data manipulation more difficult as the scale increases, which is a critical element in reliable data management in the era of generative AI. Additionally, adopting advanced technologies like zero-knowledge proofs could open new paths for publicly verifying the legitimacy of generative AI used without directly exposing production data. This approach presents technical challenges, but if successful, it could provide significant value, so we plan to continue intensive research and development in this area. Furthermore, third-party verification is just one of our current operation methods, and we are considering introducing systems that use similarity analysis to mechanically identify data unlikely to be opt-in. We believe this could enable more precise data verification. Lastly, as legal frameworks for datasets in generative AI are in ongoing progress, a flexible data management approach is necessary. Including government agencies, public blockchains are considered an effective means to enhance transparency, tamper-resistance, and authenticity. We will continue to explore effective data management methods until a legal framework in this field is established.

■About Generative AI (technical)

Q: You mention reconstructing from the foundation model, but what if the foundation model accidentally contains unauthorized data?

A: We will proceed with development with utmost care to prevent the inclusion of unauthorized data. However, if unauthorized data is accidentally included in the foundation model, we will cross-reference it with the database on the blockchain and opt it out from the dataset for constructing the foundation model. Then, we will retrain the base model from scratch. Regarding the data produced from unauthorized data, we plan to adhere to legal frameworks and address the issue using appropriate methods as much as possible. This ensures that creators can continue to use generative AI that is safe and ethical. We are also working on research and development of technology that can efficiently exclude specific datasets from existing models. This technology will identify inappropriate data already learned by the model and remove it retrospectively. These measures are extremely important for maintaining the safety and ethics of generative AI, and we are committed to continuously improving and providing cutting-edge technology in this field.

Q: Is it possible to surpass existing foundation models that have learned from billions of images on the internet with an opt-in/opt-out dataset?

A. Existing foundational models have been developed to achieve a broad generality, striving to collect vast datasets. This strategy aims to aggregate as much data as possible to enhance the diversity and inclusivity of the model. However, when it comes to developing models for specific purposes, using the same volume of data is not always necessary. Moreover, recent research has introduced technologies that significantly reduce training costs. This means that achieving a quality surpassing current AI image generators is entirely feasible for domain-specific models. This holds true for our initiative as well.

Q: You mentioned it’s feasible to achieve a quality surpassing current AI image generators. Does “feasible” mean that this is based on results not yet verified in practical applications?

A. We have established a close cooperative relationship with some of the world’s leading open-source software (OSS) contributors, global technologists, and companies, capable of elevating quality to globally recognized standards through fine-tuning based on a small number of image data. This cooperation plays a crucial role not just in fine-tuning with limited datasets, but also in the construction of a foundational model. We believe we possess top-level technology in this field, and our initiative is based on internal research and verification already conducted. We will share these outcomes with new supporting partners, ensuring their understanding before participating. Additionally, we have disclosed these results in dialogues with stakeholders, including top companies in the entertainment industry. Moreover, the term “feasible” in the FAQ is used with the intent of not just surpassing the current quality range, but also comprehensively meeting the high standards of anime creators. These goals will be achieved through ongoing verification with creators and stakeholders, as well as through research and development. We are cautious about making definitive statements at this stage without acting irresponsibly.

Q: Please tell us about the risks associated with additional learning beyond opting into existing models, the infiltration of fraudulent datasets, and data manipulation for incentive purposes.
A. The development of our foundation and fine-tuned models begins strictly with verified opt-in datasets, meticulously preventing the infiltration of fraudulent data. During the learning phase conducted by anime studios and other end-users, they utilize their own original opt-in datasets, which are also recorded on the blockchain. While the final phase of learning is the responsibility of the users, measures are in place to minimize the infiltration of fraudulent data through contracts, legal bindings, and blockchain technology. Of course, should any fraudulent data be detected, retraining of the model will be conducted. Additionally, these datasets undergo stringent management for quality assurance when we create and fine-tune the foundational model, including checks for legitimacy. To further ensure safety, initially, we plan to offer services only to supporting partners, with additional learning based on the data they manage. We believe this will guarantee both the maintenance of quality and data security. We do not currently plan to publicly release generative AI or to extensively collect opt-in learning data. We will consider these options only after safe usage methods and legal frameworks are established. Our priority is safety and reliability, aiming to build a risk-free ecosystem.

Q: Will the AI indiscriminately learn from the data provided by contributors?

A. We will not indiscriminately use the data provided as part of our dataset. However, in the initial phase of building the foundational model before fine-tuning it (assuming all data is opt-in), we might conduct extensive learning as needed, which plays a crucial role in developing high-quality generative AI. Subsequently, the data used for fine-tuning is carefully selected based on strict quality and safety standards. These criteria are established in collaboration with technicians, creators, and other stakeholders to create the optimal dataset for developing the generative AI. Our goal includes ensuring the development of safe and high-quality generative AI technology, and for this purpose, selecting and using the most suitable data is essential.

Q: Upon developing the foundation model of the image generation AI, are there any risks for our company in providing materials to the Anime Chain initiative?

A: Considering the current situation, domestic and international AI companies are already actively collecting a wide range of materials, including animation content, for their AI development. Under these circumstances, even if you choose not to provide materials to this initiative, it is inevitable that products from other AI companies using your materials will appear on the market in the future. Especially abroad, there are increasing cases where companies use others’ intellectual property, under the guise of fair use principles, as if it were their own characters, achieving enormous viewership numbers. If this trend continues, it could harm the rights holders and creators, raising ethical concerns. By participating in this initiative, participants not only enjoy the benefits of funding and productivity improvements through AI, but also can protect data rights and distribute profits through blockchain technology. By making these measures the industry standard, we believe we can contribute to the industry’s overall development and competitive enhancement. Therefore, providing materials for this initiative is a significant opportunity to contribute to the development of the industry while managing risks and enjoying benefits. Of course, from the perspective of rights protection and ethics, we will carefully consider the management and use of the provided materials and establish appropriate guidelines. By striking this balance, we believe it is possible to minimize risks while ensuring the industry’s healthy growth and protecting partners’ rights.


Q: Can you truly build a cooperative relationship within the content industry?

A. Initially, this initiative was born in response to the specific concerns and needs expressed by active stakeholders in the content industry. Our goal is to provide urgent and concrete solutions to the industry’s current challenges, and dialogue with many stakeholders, including top companies in the entertainment industry, is already underway. This suggests that the initiative is a viable project that contributes to the growth and development of the entire industry. Looking back at how past technological innovations have changed society, it’s common for new technologies to face resistance and skepticism in their early stages. However, as rules are established over time, these technologies become new industry standards and an essential part of our daily lives. Therefore, we believe that our initiative, which is designed based on the specific needs of the content industry, and utilizes generative AI and blockchain technology to solve multiple challenges, can build a cooperative relationship across the industry.

Q: You mentioned that you have gathered specific feedback from stakeholders, but why aren’t they currently listed as supporting partners?

A. In the future, we plan to sequentially announce the involvement of supporting partners from among the creators. However, our priority is to propose this initiative as a concrete measure to address the spread of generative AI, which poses copyright and ethical issues. The support of anime industry stakeholders is extremely important to us, and we look forward to announcing their participation at the appropriate time.

Q: There seems to be a negative perception of generative AI and blockchain in the public eye. How do you plan to dispel these impressions?

A. Indeed, existing generative AI and blockchain technology rapidly spread before their legal and ethical frameworks were fully developed. However, these technologies can potentially contribute to industrial development if used appropriately. We plan to start supporting creators and the anime industry by developing generative AI in an ethical and responsible manner, and using blockchain traceability to ensure its legitimacy. Particularly in the Japanese anime industry, which is notably suffering from labor shortages, these technologies clearly have the potential to assist creators’ work. We believe that the current negative perceptions of these technologies will gradually improve through proper usage and awareness campaigns.



Anime Chain Project

We have announced the "Anime Chain Initiative" with the aim of creating an environment where creators and companies can use generative AI safely and securely.