How to Draw a Girl With Cap

Anime Drawing
3 min read1 day ago

Drawing a girl with a cap can be a fun and creative exercise that combines elements of fashion illustration and portrait drawing. Caps add a stylish and sporty touch to a character, making them look trendy and dynamic. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, this step-by-step guide will help you draw a girl with a cap with ease and confidence.

How to Draw a Girl With Cap

Materials Needed:

- Pencil
- Eraser
- Drawing paper
- Fine-tip black pen (optional for inking)
- Colored pencils or markers (optional for coloring)

Step 1: Basic Shapes

Start by sketching the basic shapes to outline the girl’s head and body. Draw a circle for the head and an oval shape for the torso. Use simple lines to indicate the neck and shoulders. Add guidelines for the facial features and the position of the cap.

Step 2: Facial Features

Refine the shape of the head and begin sketching the facial features. Draw two horizontal lines to position the eyes, and a vertical line down the center to help with symmetry. Add the eyes slightly above the center of the head, the nose below, and the mouth between the nose and chin. Ensure that the features are proportionate and aligned.

Step 3: Hair

Sketch the girl’s hair, keeping in mind that it will be partially covered by the cap. Use flowing lines to depict the hair’s volume and texture. Draw the hair extending from under the cap and framing the face.

Step 4: Drawing the Cap

Draw the cap on top of the head. Start with the brim, which should be curved and follow the contour of the head. Then, draw the crown of the cap, ensuring it fits snugly on the head. Add details such as stitching, seams, or logos to give the cap a realistic and detailed appearance.

Step 5: Body and Clothing

Outline the girl’s body and clothing. Draw the neck and shoulders, and then sketch her outfit. You can choose any style of clothing, such as a casual t-shirt, hoodie, or jacket. Add folds and wrinkles to the clothing to convey the fabric’s texture. Ensure the proportions of the body are accurate and consistent with the head.

Step 6: Arms and Hands

Sketch the girl’s arms and hands, paying attention to their positioning. You can draw her hands in her pockets, holding the brim of the cap, or in a relaxed pose by her sides. Pay attention to the anatomy of the hands and fingers to ensure they look natural and proportionate.

Step 7: Finalize the Outline

Go over your sketch, refining the lines and adding any additional details. Erase any unnecessary guidelines and ensure that the proportions are accurate. Take your time to make any necessary adjustments to capture the girl’s likeness and the style of the cap faithfully.

Step 8: Inking (Optional)

If you prefer a clean and defined look, use a fine-tip black pen to outline the final drawing. Be patient and steady as you trace over the pencil lines, taking care to follow the contours of the girl’s features, hair, cap, and clothing.

Step 9: Coloring (Optional)

For those who wish to add color, use colored pencils or markers to bring the drawing to life. Choose appropriate colors for the hair, cap, clothing, and skin tone. Add shading and highlights to create depth and dimension, and use different shades to enhance the texture and details.

Step 10: Final Touches

Add any final touches, such as additional shading, highlights, or background elements, to enhance the overall appearance of your drawing. Step back and admire your creation, appreciating the effort you’ve put into capturing the stylish and dynamic look of a girl with a cap.


Drawing a girl with a cap can be a fun and rewarding experience that allows you to explore both portrait and fashion illustration. By following these simple steps and paying attention to the details, you can create a compelling and stylish character. Remember to practice regularly and have fun expressing your creativity through your artwork!

► Video Tutorial

► All Video Anime Drawing

► All How to Draw Anime Girl

