How to Draw Goku Super Saiyan Infinity Full Body Step by Step

Anime Drawing
3 min readJun 10, 2024

Goku, the legendary Saiyan warrior from Akira Toriyama’s “Dragon Ball” series, is a symbol of power and determination. Among the many fan-created transformations, Goku Super Saiyan Infinity stands out as the ultimate representation of his strength. Though not canon, this form captures the imagination of fans worldwide. Drawing Goku in his Super Saiyan Infinity form can be an exhilarating experience. This guide simplifies the process into three easy steps, helping you bring this extraordinary transformation to life with just a pencil.

How to Draw Goku Super Saiyan Infinity Full Body Step by Step

Materials Needed:

Drawing paper

Step 1: Basic Outline and Proportions

Start by sketching a basic outline to establish Goku’s pose and proportions. This foundational step is crucial for creating a balanced and accurate drawing.

Head and Torso: Draw an oval for the head and a broad, triangular shape for the torso. Goku’s muscular build should be evident, so make the chest broad and the waist narrow.

Arms and Legs: Sketch simple lines to indicate the arms and legs. Use circles to mark the joints (shoulders, elbows, knees) and ovals for the hands and feet. Position his arms in a powerful, dynamic pose to convey energy and readiness for battle.

Step 2: Adding Facial Features and Hair

Next, refine the head by adding Goku’s facial features and his iconic spiky hair.

Facial Features: Draw his eyes slightly narrowed to show intensity, with a fierce and focused look. Sketch the eyebrows, nose, and mouth, ensuring they capture Goku’s determined expression.

Hair: Goku’s Super Saiyan Infinity hair is more intense and spiky than usual. Draw large, sharp spikes pointing upwards and outwards. Make sure the spikes are dynamic and cover the entire head, giving a sense of energy and movement.

Step 3: Detailed Body Outline and Shading

Transform your basic sketch into a detailed and polished drawing by adding muscle definition, clothing details, and shading.

Muscles and Clothing: Flesh out the arms and legs, emphasizing Goku’s muscular physique. Sketch the details of his Gi (martial arts uniform), which is often torn in battle. Add the belt around his waist and ensure the pants show movement with folds and creases.

Hair Texture and Energy Aura: Add texture to Goku’s hair by drawing lines within the spikes to give them depth. You can also lightly sketch an aura of energy around Goku, making it jagged and dynamic to represent his immense power.

Shading: Use your pencil to add shading, creating depth and dimension. Focus on the areas where shadows naturally fall, such as under the chin, around the muscles, and in the folds of the clothing. Start with light shading and gradually build up to darker tones.

Final Touches:

Clean Up: Erase any unnecessary lines and ensure the outlines are sharp and clear.

Additional Details: Add any final details to enhance the drawing, such as veins on his muscles or extra texture in the clothing.


Drawing Goku in his Super Saiyan Infinity form is a rewarding and creative endeavor. By following these three simple steps, you can capture the essence of this powerful transformation and bring it to life on paper. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep refining your skills and enjoy the process of drawing one of anime’s most iconic characters in his ultimate form!

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► All How to Draw Goku

► View Playlist Goku Drawing

► View Playlist How to Draw Goku

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