How to Draw Naruto in 10 Steps

Anime Drawing
2 min readDec 7, 2023


Drawing Naruto can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you draw Naruto Uzumaki:


· Pencil

· Paper

· Eraser


1. Basic Shapes: Start with basic shapes to create the foundation of Naruto’s head and face. Draw a circle for the head and add guidelines to help position facial features.

2. Facial Features: Place the eyes along the horizontal guideline. Naruto has distinctive slanted, blue eyes. Add a small, triangular-shaped nose, and draw a smiling mouth with three lines on each side to represent his whisker marks.

3. Headband: Draw Naruto’s headband across his forehead. It’s a band with a metal plate in the center and a long, trailing piece of fabric. Add the symbol of the Hidden Leaf Village on the metal plate.

4. Hair: Naruto has spiky, blonde hair. Add individual spikes that point in various directions. Pay attention to the general shape of his hair and make it look dynamic.

5. Ears: Draw the ears on either side of Naruto’s head. They should be roughly in line with his eyes and nose.

6. Neck and Shoulders: Sketch the neck and shoulders, keeping in mind Naruto’s lean and athletic build. He typically wears an orange jumpsuit, so you can start to outline the collar.

7. Body and Jumpsuit: Extend the jumpsuit down from the collar, emphasizing Naruto’s lean physique. Add details such as the zipper in the front and the black patch on his right arm. Naruto wears a headband on his left leg, so include that detail as well.

8. Hands and Arms: Sketch the arms in dynamic poses. Naruto often has his arms in action, either forming hand signs or in a fighting stance. Pay attention to the proportions and positioning of fingers.

9. Legs and Feet: Draw the legs and feet in a dynamic pose. Naruto is known for his ninja moves, so feel free to experiment with action stances. Add folds in the fabric to make it look more natural.

10. Final Details: Refine the details, erase unnecessary guidelines, and add shading to give your drawing depth. You can use cross-hatching or shading techniques to add shadows and highlights.

Remember, practice is key. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make adjustments as you go along. As you become more familiar with Naruto’s features and proportions, you’ll find it easier to capture his likeness in your drawings.

Here is video tutorial :

