Machine Learning Model inside Docker Container

Animesh kumar srivastava
2 min readJun 30, 2023

In this article we’ll launch an machine learning model inside a docker container :

In order to that we’ll use use RedHat Linux either use the aws web ui method or the BareMetal method ,

let’s begin :

firstly we’ll launch RedHat Linux and switch to the root account using the command :

sudo su - root

then , well install docker using the command :

yum install docker -y

then we’ll start the docker using the following command :

systemctl start docker && systemctl enable docker

after that we’ll launch an docker image using the following command:

docker pull centos:latest
docker images  //to chech for images

now we’ll create a container using centos images with the name ml-model ,with help of following command :

docker run -it --name ML-model centos:latest

now moving further we’ll install python and some libraries using following command :

yum install python -y 
yum install nc -yyum install net-tools -y

and then for python libraries :

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install sklearn
pip3 install pandas

now moving further , we’ll copy the data file to the container using following command ,

docker cp <src> <container_name>:<dest>
docker cp Salaray.csv ML-model:/task1/

now creating the file for the training model and to save the model ;

vim model.pypypy

now run the following command :

now close that using “ esc :wq “

after that run the following command:


well this is how we can run machine learning model inside the docker container .

hope you all liked this and find it useful :)



Animesh kumar srivastava

Hey Buddy , Myself Animesh Kumar I'm Btech Students form IEC College of Engineering And Technology , My wish to became a good blogger So I try my best .