Animeyen has been listed into Token.Store

2 min readFeb 10, 2020


We are happy to announce the listing of Animeyen in Token Store, with this we keep expanding the places where our community can trade their ANIME tokens, therefore having more flexibility.

About Token Store:

Launched in July 2017, ETH is a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum network. We pride ourselves in providing a cutting-edge product for our clients, in terms of security and simplicity. ETH vs Centralized Exchanges

We built a trustless exchange so that you can keep your keys and funds yours

  • Secure. Billions of dollars have been stolen — and never recovered — from centralized crypto exchanges over the past few years. doesn’t hold any of your funds; the trader deposits his funds into a smart contract. Only the person that holds the private key of the Ethereum account that sent the funds can retrieve them. This makes the experience safe and secure by its very nature. You can check the code here.
  • Anonymous. Using is anonymous. No need to send your ID to people you don’t know.
  • Transparent price. We have no deposit or withdrawal fees. We don’t try to hawk you our own token. We only charge users a trading fee (0.3% for takers and 0% for makers).

Happy Trading:




Animeyen (アニメ円) is a Full-of-Love Digital Currency, Created by Anime Community Fans, for all the Anime Fans of the World.