Hate is Not the Answer

Jon LeMond
2 min readJul 18, 2023

A simple strategy to keep our world in one piece.

Image courtesy of Created By Nature

Hate leads to anger. Anger leads to violence. Violence leads to destruction. Would you agree? Technology, misinformation, and weapons of mass destruction have put us on a precipice. Why take that path? One truth from Star Wars is right. Obi-Wan Kenobi said, “Don’t give in to hate. Hate leads to the dark side”.

We are all human and part of one race. The human race. Skin color does not make us superior or inferior. Access to education and opportunities is what truly gives you an edge. Why can’t we find common ground and work from that standpoint? A bit of empathy can do us good. Imagine if we tried to pay it forward to help the people around us instead of finding fault with each other, and tearing things down.

Internet and History
The internet, if used properly, may be one of the things to level the playing field as far as education and opportunities. It allows us to learn, create, critique, build a portfolio, find work, sell products, and be an entrepreneur. That’s if runaway AI doesn’t get us first.

You can’t hide the truth. History holds a mirror up to who we are and what we have done. History may be harsh, but knowing the truth of what has happened, can help us not to repeat the same mistakes.



Jon LeMond

Professional animation artist teaching multimedia & film. I’m an entertainment, business, and content creation writer/enthusiast.