Introducing the VS Code Custom UI Font Extension

2 min readOct 15, 2023


Your VS Code environment just got a lot more personalized.

The Power of Personalization

In the ever-evolving world of software development, tools and environments play a significant role in a developer’s productivity. While Visual Studio Code has taken the world by storm with its versatility and extensibility, there’s always room for more customization.

Enter the VS Code Custom UI Font extension.

demo for vs code custom ui extension

What does it offer?

With this extension, developers can now easily change the UI font of Visual Studio Code, making it feel even more personal and in line with their aesthetic preferences. It’s not just about looks, though. A comfortable font can lead to reduced eye strain and a better coding experience.

### How it works?

1. Install the extension from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
2. Invoke the command to Change UI font.
3. Enter your desired font name.
4. Restart VS Code, and voilà! Your chosen font is now part of your UI.

> Note: After changing the font, a VS Code popup might notify you, “Your Code installation appears to be corrupt. Please reinstall.” Don’t worry! Click on the settings icon of that popup and select “Don’t show again.”

Windows First

This initial release predominantly supports the Windows platform. Stay tuned for updates as we work towards including more platforms.

In Conclusion

In the realm of coding, it’s the little things that often make the most significant difference. The ability to change and customize one’s environment, even if it’s just the font, can have a profound impact on productivity and comfort. With the VS Code Custom UI Font extension, you’re one step closer to making your coding environment truly yours.

Check out the extension on GitHub and the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

Happy coding, and happy customizing!

