Radix, DeFi Rational Enhancer

Rindi ani
3 min readSep 1, 2020


Financial services are one of the most needed services by the world community, because with financial services the wheels of the world economy rotate stably. In addition, with the existence of financial services, people from various parts of the world are able to make transactions easily. Over time, financial services in the world do not only come from government institutions, but also from Blockchain technology. Where this technology offers reliable financial services with a decentralized system, this means that blockchain technology financial service providers do not present third parties in operating the company. So that the financial services that are presented become more reliable, because if one server is experiencing problems, the other servers will not experience problems and transactions will continue. In contrast to the centralized system, which causes all servers to be disrupted due to one of the servers experiencing problems. This reason is one of the many factors that cause the world community to choose to switch to a decentralized financial system.

Radix is ​​a Blockchain technology platform that provides decentralized financial services. Where this platform is designed with the first layer in order to serve decentralized financial services such as DeFi. As we know DeFi is a financial service that is very reliable and is predicted to become a financial service in the future. Not only that, DeFi also has a quite high difference when compared to other financial systems, because the current financial system has created friction that causes the world to experience losses of up to $ 71 billion every year. In addition, the financial system also often launches financial applications that are inflexible and difficult to apply. So that the system is favored and well empowered by the world community. Therefore, financial service providers should see how the DeFi financial system provides a very flexible system and makes it easy for its users to carry out various kinds of financial transactions. So it is not surprising that Radix gave birth to the latest breakthroughs to support DeFi in providing the best financial services.

As a financial service that supports DeFi, Radix will innovate by utilizing advanced technology and will specifically provide services that help DeFi develop quite rapidly. This is of course different from other decentralized financial services which are designed not to fit the needs of DeFi’s financial services. Later Radix will provide a system to make it easier for users to access DeFi services, so that this system will reduce barriers to accessing a platform and open greater opportunities for users to enter DeFi. Not only that, the large number of users who enter the DeFi platform will also automatically increase the transaction volume which results in increased liquidity and lower transaction costs. Then Radix will also facilitate users who want to join DeFi by providing lots of choices — choices of assets and services according to their needs. Therefore, with the presence of a flexible system from Radix, it is not impossible if the world community will switch from traditional financial services to decentralized financial services such as DeFi.

Did you know that the Radix team spent a lot of time doing research and development in order to answer the challenges of Blockchain technology and give birth to the latest innovations, which the Radix founders spent approximately 8 years doing research, testing and development until finally being able to apply it to technology Blockchain and become one of the phenomenal financial services today. Founder Dan Hughes has previously developed and sold IPs, which are used IPs and can be found in major mobile NFC payment technologies. Not only that, he has also succeeded in designing and co-building an internet network platform on T-Mobile’s first cellular. Not only that, Radix also has several other team of experts who are no less experienced than the founder, he is Piers Ridyard who is an AY alumni combinator, Piers joined the Radix company after leaving the previous company which built DLT-based agreement space to complete the contract. syndication. By looking at the experience and hard work done by a team of experts, it is only natural that Radix is ​​the most reliable financial service today that supports excellence at DeFi.

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