Will Kalyug End By 2025 | Facts & Proofs | Bhavishya Malika

Aniruddha Barman
6 min readOct 4, 2023


Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Is Vishnu’s 10th Avatar Kalki Avatar already born?

Many of you must be thinking that Kalki Avatar was going to

be born at the End of Kalyug.

And the total duration of Kalyug is 4,32,000 years.

But do you know in reality that the duration of Treta Yug and

Dwapar Yug was also 12,96,000 and 8,64,000 years.

But many evidences have shown that Dwapar Yug is 5,000 years

old and Treta Yug is 7,000 years old.

Which means that eras are ending in just a few thousand years.

So is the end of Kalyug also near?

We will try to find out from all the sources that

I have found during the research.

What is the truth behind all these things?

And exactly when will Kalki Avatar be born and kalyug will end?

First of all, let’s start with Sadhguru.

According to him, Kalyug has ended a few thousand years ago and

we are living in Dwapar Yug.

So right now we are moving into Treta Yug, which is the second

best time.

When I did some research on this, I was also shocked.

Because I found two things that prove this theory of Sadhguru.

The first and most important of them are Vedas.

If we see in Vedas, the total duration of the era is told to

be about 12,000 years.

Out of which Kalyug is only 1200 years old.

And according to this, Kalyug has already ended.

Now the second thing that supports this is the book of Paramhansa

Yogananda’s guru Sri Yukteswarji, The Holy Science.

In which he writes that the total duration of the ages is 12,000


But the cycle of the era is 24,000 years.

Consider it like this that first we come from Satyug to Kalyug,

then we go back from Kalyug to Satyug.

And this is also absolutely correct because no change in the

earth comes so suddenly.

It doesn’t happen that today is Kalyug and suddenly everything

will be fine from tomorrow and Satyug will start from tomorrow.

Things change slowly with time.

If we look at it from a scientific point of view, then the axis

of our earth makes a complete circle every 24,000 years.

Because of which almost every 24,000 years, every season repeats

itself exactly in the same way.

And even in the books of ancient Greece, a perfect year of 24,000

years has been considered.

And if we keep two Kalyug one after the other according to this,

then the total duration of Kalyug is about 2500 years.

Which means again it is coming out that Kalyug has already ended.

But after doing a little more research, I also found two things

that prove this completely wrong.

And that is the Puranas and the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

Because there is a concept of divine year in the Puranas.

Which means the duration of the ages in the Vedas is 12,000 years.

That is actually 12,000 divine years. To convert it into human years, we will have to multiply 360

with it.

Now if we multiply Kalyug, which is said to be 1200 years by

360, then this total comes to 4,32,000 years.

And if we assume that two Kalyug come one after the other, then

the duration of Kalyug will be 8,64,000 years.

Kalki Avatar

The second thing that proves it wrong is the Kalki Puran and

the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

Because in the Kalki Puran, we have been told a lot of detailed

information about the Kalki Avatar.

And in the Bhagavad Gita also, Krishna says that at the end of

every era, he takes avatar and by ending sin, he establishes


And because the Kalki Avatar has not yet come, it means we can

assume that the end of Kalyug has not yet happened.

So exactly when will this Kalyug end?

If we find out the timeline of the Dwapar Yug and Treta Yug,

then we can find out when the Kalyug will end.

Because from it we will know that in reality, the duration of

the ages is following the Vedas or the Puranas.

And to do this, we will take the help of the astronomical data

given in the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

In the Ramayana, we have been given the planetary positions of

Lord Ram’s birthday.

When that data was put in the planetarium software, that date

came out as 10 January 5114 BC.

That means, about 7000 years ago, we can assume that Ramayana


Similarly, we have been told in Mahabharata that there were two

eclipses in the 18-day Mahabharata war.

Now, two eclipse can occur so fast only when one is a solar eclipse and

the other is a lunar eclipse.

And when this data was checked, it was found that this has happened

many times in the last 5000 years.

But only 6 times out of them are such that match the time of


And from this we get to see that the difference between Ramayana

and Mahabharata is only 2000 years.

But because in so many years, planets can repeat the same positions

many times,

we cannot consider it as a final conclusion.

That’s why we will now take the help of archaeological proofs.

In the archaeological proofs, we have two things at present.

One is Ram Setu, which is said to be at least 7000–8000 years

old by carbon dating.

And the second is the discovery of Dwarka Nagri in the Bay of

Ghambat, whose early carbon dating has found from various scriptures,

walls and bones that

that city is at least 9000–10,000 years old.

Here Dwarka Nagri is older than Ram Setu,

this may be because Dwarka Nagri may have existed until that

time frame.

This means that now we clearly know that there is not much difference

between Ramayana and Mahabharata.

And from all this we are clearly knowing that the era’s are not

following the time frame of millions of years.

So when will the Kalyug end?

The last source we have to find out is Bhavishya Malika.

Actually, about 600 years ago, a group of Five Saints in Odisha

wrote a book called Bhavishya Malika.

One of them was Achyutananda Das, who had divine vision.

With the help of which he had written many predictions that would

happen in Kalyug.

Some of those predictions were proved wrong, but along with it

there are many correct predictions,

which you can see on your screen.

And it is also written in this book that the Kalyug’s Dham,

means the temple of Jagannath Puri, will sink in the water at

the End of Kalyug.

And the final battle of Kalyug will be fought in a Fort in Cuttack.

And in that book, he has also mentioned its proper date,

that all this will happen between the year 2020 to 2025.

Which means Kalyug is going to end by 2025.

And because Jagannath Puri is the Dham of Kalyug,

So, this book cannot be completely ignored.

So, according to all the facts and evidence,

we can make the first conclusion that Kalyug is not over yet.

And the second conclusion we can make is that the end of Kalyug

will not be after 432,000 years,

but it will be very soon.

When will Kalyug end? We have not found any proof of its exact


but if we look at the Bhavishya Malika book, then according to it, Kalyug is

going to end by 2025.

What do you think about this? Do tell us by commenting below!

